SomEtHiNg spEciaL foR aLL!!!

My LifE is tHe ArT of thE dRaWiNg wiThOuT aN eRasEr...

eVerYonE WanT's tO bE hApPy...NobOdy wAnT's tO bE pAiN...bUt, yOu jUst cAn'T hAvE a RaiNbOw wItHouT aNy rAiN...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Variations Of Software Programs

Consumers are enthralled by the software installed in electronic devices because these programs allow them to be more productive and provide them with a source of entertainment that is suitable for every member of the family. Some electronic devices will not work at all without the software installed, and others work better because the software programs have been added since the device was bought.

People are more familiar with the software programs that run their personal computers, but other digital devices are equipped with software. The operating system software is the controlling force behind all computer operations, This software allows the user to perform independent tasks using word processing software programs, or includes software that will allow the user to complete complex mathematical calculations using formulas in spreadsheet formats.

The operation of this type of software is independent of any other type of custom software that has been installed on the computer. Many computer users must install software that allows them to view videos and graphics. These software programs are easy to download but will require update to be installed from time to time to keep the software program running smoothly.

The software updates are written with scripting software that simplifies updates by creating screens that are presented in an easy to understand language that requires the user to click a few buttons and step back while the software does the rest of the installation on its own. Other software is embedded into the installation program that will notify the computer user that the installation is complete. In most cases, the computer software will require that the user restart the system for the changes to go into effect.

Some customized software programs will be created for businesses to track inventory or provide a certain service to a client or the public at large. Some computer operating systems work on the Windows platform and other software program are open source and can be edited by users who know the coding used in the software programs. These programs can be modified by each user and uploaded to the site where it was obtained so that other users can benefit from the changes that were made.

People prefer to use open source software because it is available for download through internet websites. The open source software is considered freeware and is the product of computer users who have a talent for creating programs that enhance productive tasks found in other software or the software could be scripts that make mundane tasks tolerable and easier to complete. Some programming artists create freeware to establish a web presence and build a business from software popularity.

The software programs installed on electronic devices allow people to connect to the internet and the user will have all the tools and storage space required to download files from a computer at work. The PDA devices contain software that will also allow users to check email and store it for future reference. Some personal digital assistants are equipped with software that allows people to access maps and obtain directions to a desired destination.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is Stress and How to Manage Stress Effectively

For several decades now, researches all over the world have asserted that what goes on in the mind affects the body. Negative thoughts and a negative attitude lead to our feeling low: our heads fall, our shoulders sag, and our breathing becomes shallow. In fact it has been conclusively proved that negative mind trigger off a whole chain of physio-biological reactions, which are designed to make us feel this way.

On the other hand, positive thoughts and positive attitudes make us feel good: our heads are held up, we tend to look up, stand taller, breathe deeper and fuller.

So you see, the body is directly affected by our mental state. But, consider this: recent research reveals that the body also has the capability of affecting the mind. The way you carry yourself, the way you walk, the way you talk, and the way you project your physical self, affects your attitude and mind to a fairly large extent. If you always stand straight, with your chest held out and breathe deeply, chances are that you will be projecting a positive outlook. On the other hand, if your shoulders are dropped, and you have a crouched back, you are probably passing through a rather dull phase.

An interesting and potentially very powerful corollary of this is that we can control our emotions though our bodily actions and postures. Hence, if we want to feel good or positive all we have to do is change our body posture. Though it may vary only slightly from person to person, the overall constituents of a positive frame of mind are more or less the same: Head high, Shoulders pulled back, Deep Breathing, Chest Held Out, and of course the all important SMILE. As Anthony Robbins puts it, "Motion creates Emotion". The way we move changes, the way we think, feel and behave. The slightest movement of a facial muscle to a rigorous workout can affect our emotions.

Even the simple act of smiling can make an enormous difference to your state. Extensive research in this area proves that the act of smiling sets of a biological reaction that affects all parts of the body. It stimulates the heart and the lungs. It increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. The body's excretory organs functions more smoothly clearing the body of harmful toxins. Imagine such a simple act of having such a far-reaching consequences, In fact many doctors are of the opinion that fifteen minutes of lighter laughter on a daily basis, can increase your life span by about 5-10 years.

The point is that nothing happens by chance. We have all been created in a very scientific manner. Every gesture, every moment in the body has some purpose – some cause us to feel miserable, doubt our abilities, and curse our luck, while others make us feel good, optimistic and positive about life. We have got to choose the ones we desire.

Six Types Of Meditation

There are so many different types of
meditation. How many? Who knows, but enough so that you can find the one that's right for you. To get your search started, here are six types of meditation you can try.

1. Breath watching. Can meditating be as simple as paying attention to your breath for a few minutes? You bet. Relax in whatever position works best for you, close your eyes and start to pay attention to your breathing. Breathing through your nose gets your diaphragm involved and gets oxygen all the way to the bottom of your lungs. As your mind wanders, just re-focus your attention on the air going in and out of your nose. Just do this for several minutes, or longer as you get used to it.

2. An empty mind meditation. Meditating can create a kind of "awareness without object," an emptying of all thoughts from your mind. The techniques for doing this involve sitting still, often in a "full lotus" or cross-legged position, and letting the mind go silent on its own. It can be difficult, particularly since any effort seems to just cause more business in the mind.

3. Walking meditations. This one gets the body involved. It can be outside or simply as a back and forth pacing in a room. Pay attention to the movement of your legs and breathing and body as you walk, and to the feeling of your feet contacting the ground. When your mind wanders, just keep bringing it back to the process of walking and breathing. Meditating outside in this way can be difficult because of the distractions. If you do it outside, find a quiet place with level ground.

4. Mindfulness meditation. A practice Buddhists call vipassana or insight meditation, mindfulness is the art of becoming deeply aware of what is here right now. You focus on what's happening in and around you at this very moment, and become aware of all the thoughts and feelings that are taking your energy from moment to moment. You can start by watching your breath, and then move your attention to the thoughts going through your mind, the feelings in your body, and even the sounds and sights around you. The key is to watch without judging or analyzing.

5. Simple mantra meditation. Many people find it easier to keep their mind from wandering if they concentrate on something specific. A mantra can help. This is a word or phrase you repeat as you sit in meditation, and is chosen for you by an experienced master in some traditions. If you are working on this alone, you can use any word or phrase that works for you, and can choose to either repeat it aloud or in your head as you meditate.

6. Meditating on a concept. Some meditative practices involve contemplation of an idea or scenario. An example is the "meditation on impermanence," in which you focus on the impermanent nature of all things, starting with your thoughts and feelings as they come and go. In the Buddhist "meditation on the corpse," you think about a body in the ground, as it slowly rots away and is fed on by worms. The technique is used to guide you to an understanding that your rationalizing mind might not bring you to.

There are many other meditations you can try, such as the "meditation on loving-kindness" or "object" meditation, and even meditating using brain wave entrainment products. Each type has its own advantages and effects. For this reason, you may find that at different times and for different purposes you want to use several different types of meditation.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Windows Vista

As you may be aware, Microsoft is finally releasing the followup to Windows XP, called Windows Vista, in a few weeks time. As with previous upgrades for Windows, this will create some problems for people who want to upgrade their computers.

When a new version of Windows is released, there are usually some bugs and other issues that need to be ironed out. Microsoft has put Vista through extensive testing, but it is hard for them to test it for every possible situation because there are so many different computer setups and configurations.


If you're thinking about upgrading your computer to Vista when it's released, here are a few things you need to know.


One of the biggest issues with new versions of Windows is compatibility with existing equipment - both in your computer and peripherals like printers and scanners.

Microsoft has tried to keep Vista compatible with all the existing hardware and software out there, but it's just not possible to be 100% compatible and still add new features and capabilities to Windows.

Before you go out and buy Windows Vista, check to make sure all the equipment you use is compatible or the manufacturer offers an upgrade to make it so. Microsoft has a program that will test your system and give you a report on its compatibility, or you can check with the various manufacturers directly.

Scanner are something that are particularly tricky when upgrading Windows so if you use a scanner, double-check that there is Vista compatible software available for it.


If you've bought your computer in the last year or so, it should have plenty of power to run Vista. If it's older than a year, you may need to add some upgrades to bring it up to speed.

The following are the official requirements for Vista Premium Edition (the most complete version):

- 1GHz or higher processor
- 40GB or larger hard drive
- Sound card
- Internet connection
- DVD drive

Most of those requirements are not going to be an issue for a reasonable recent computer, but the RAM is one thing you may need to upgrade. Even today, many computers include 512MB or even 256MB which is not enough to run Vista effectively.

Upgrading vs Preinstalled

Upgrading to a new version of Windows is always more problematic than starting with it preinstalled. There are almost always little glitches that need to be sorted out afterwards.

If you're thinking of buying a new computer now and upgrading to Vista when it's released, I would recommend waiting until you can get one with it preinstalled if at all possible. You'll be happier in the long run, in spite of having to wait a little longer.

If you're upgrading an older computer, and you have all the necessary requirements, the most important (critical!) thing is to back up all your important information before starting the upgrade.

The upgrade is not supposed to affect anything that's on your computer - only Windows - but there is always a chance that something doesn't work the way it should. If you get halfway through the upgrade and something goes wrong, you may not be able to load either Vista or your old version of Windows.

This may mean you have to reload your computer from scratch, which could wipe out all your files and information. Make sure you have an up-to-date copy of it all before you start the upgrade.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Building Your Social Network To Improve Search Engine Rank

If you're thinking about better exposure online then you'd probably start putting more time and effort on social networking. Social network sites are the new user created content hubs that can offer large amount of traffic to any website that can properly pitch online user's interest. MySpace, Friendster, Orkut, and Facebook are just a few of the well know social network sites that can offer a great start-up niche for any marketing campaign. These websites rake in millions of users per day. Thousands more join social network sites daily, and you can expect the number of online users, flocking social network sites, to triple or quadruple in no time at all. With this premise, social networking sites can certainly prompt web marketers to utilize the technology to improve search engine placement for their websites.

Understanding the potential of social networking can help lead your business exposure to greater heights and can help improve search engine rank for your website.
For those who are starting up on the social network groove however, here are some tips to help you setup a formidable start-up campaign.


Tip # 1: Be one of them

Before you can start marketing your products or services on social network sites you will need to setup an
account. Multiple accounts are preferred, although they can be very time consuming to do. You always have an option of using pseudonyms to help protect your personal privacy. An email address will be required to create and confirm your account. If you're planning to setup different accounts, and the social network site you're planning to join in is limiting users to only one email per account, the best approach would be to create different accounts, but bearing identical business names. That way, you can open multiple identities on the social network and still leave online visitors a way of recognizing your product or service.

If you are successful at this step, you will be provided, by email, a system-generated URL towards your online identity profile. Some websites however require users to personalize their web address and profile content.

Tip # 2: Don't forget the Images

One of the first things that online users will notice or probably check out is the image section of your account. Visual flavors will certainly set the visitor's moods. Personal images won't just do if you have multiple accounts. You need to have a lot of stock photos to share, or probably borrow some pictures from friends or use corporate images to display on your site.

Tip # 3: Fill up your Profile

One of the best ways to get searched on social network sites is by filling up your user profile. Some user information might probably be filled up the moment you register your account. Still, there are some details which social network sites leave for the user to fill up later on. Make sure that your user profile contains personalized information. Social networks use this information to categorize users by location, age, gender, interests, etc.

Tip # 4: Don't Put up too many Ads.

Be careful about putting up too many marketing ads on your user profile since most users do not like visiting a spammy or advertising-packed website or social account. Make sure your user profile can reach out to your online visitor's interests. Do not make a user account just for the sake of building a marketing hive. Put some effort to make your account more personalized, and it will lead more users to visit it. And more traffic should mean users knowing more about you and your products or services.

Social networking is truly a marvelous technology that can provide web marketers some leverage and give them, not only traffic, but also better search engine rankings for their site.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Religious Practices

This article describes the services of the world's major religions which are (in no particular order):




The most common way in which Christians worship is by the taking of bread and wine. This is known as several names, Mass, Eucharist and Holy Communion. It usually takes place in a church. The purpose of the taking of bread and wine is to remember how Jesus ate the Last Supper with his disciples. The bread and wine is blessed before being taken by the congregation. The service is usually accompanied by the singing of hymns and readings from the Bible. A collection is held for the congregation to donate towards the upkeep of the church


Bhuddhists may be split into two distict group, Theravada Buddhists and Mahayana Buddhists. Theravada Buddhists originate from India, Sri Lanka, Myananar and Thailand. They traditionally worship in a temple where incense is burned and paper lanterns are lit. While worshipping they offer gifts to the Three Jewels, which are the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings) and the sanha (the monks). Flowers, incense sticks and small statues are traditionally offered as gifts and bells are rung during this gift-making.

The Mahayana Buddhists originate from China and Tibet and worship in pagoda styles buildings. These temples contain a set of prayer wheels, cylinders with prayers inscribe don them. Turning the wheels is believed to carry the prayers to all parts of the world. Many Mahayana Bhuddhists go to the temple to ask questions about the future. They do this by throwing two pieces of red wood onto the ground. Depending on how the pieces of wood land, the person takes a piece of paper or wood from a drawer and hands it to a priest who informs them of the answer.


The most important place of worship for a Hindu is his home where they will have a room or a corner of a room dedicated for worship. Traditionally they will place pictures or statues of their favourite gods or goddesses.

Carrying out the morning worship is the responsibility of the woman of the household. After praying she will offer flowers, incense, light and food to the gods. She will also dress a statue.This food is then eaten by the family. In the evening the light is lit and the whole family gathers to pray.

Hindus also worship in temples. These temples house statues that are dressed in different clothes for every day if the year. Food and flowers are offered an dincense burned while the priests chant. Food is given to the worshippers as they leave the temple. The service is made up of three parts, the kindling of the fire, the worship of the eight and the singing of the bhajans. The priest lights a sacred fire and sections of the Vedas are chanted. Then the arti tray is placed in front of the gods. A spot of red paste is then placed on the foreheads of the statues, on the pictures and on the worshippers whilst the arti tray is carried around the people. They hold their hands over the fire and then pass their hands over their foreheads and hair. Food is then given to the worshippers and hymns sung.


Muslims worship in a mosque. In Muslim countries these are usually square buildings with a dome on top. Water is provided outside the mosque for worshippers to wash before praying. The mosque will have one or more tall towers known as minarets from which the muezzin will call the people to pray. All Muslims must pray to God (Allah) five times a day, having washed. This is to ensure they are clean and pure for prayer. Having washed, the worshippers face in the direction of the Kabba in Mecca. This is a shrine in the city of Mecca that contains a holy Black Stone.

Muslims pray in a variety of positions, standing, kneeling and touching the ground with their foreheads, using a prayer mat to ensure that the place of prayer is clean and to keep the body clean while praying.

All Muslim men are expected to go to the mosque for midday prayers on Friday, where the Iman delivers his sermon. This is given in two parts, firstly he deals with matters of everyday life and secondly then discusses a passage from the Qur'an.


Sikhs worship in a temple called a gurdwara. In the centre of the gurdwara is a throne known as a takht which is covered with a canopy. The Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib is placed on this throne. On entering the gurdwara the worshippers remove their shoes. They then place money, food or a romalla (a cloth to cover the Guru Granth Sahib) in front of the takht. The men wear turbans and the women wear silk scarves while worshipping cross-legged. Men and women must sit apart. The leader of the worship, the Granthi reads from the Guru Granth Sahib. Hymns are sung and this is followed by a sermon, more singing, readings and prayers. The service is given in Punjabi.

At the end of the service everyone shares karah parshad, a mixture of semolina, ghee, sugar and flour to show that they are all equal. The service is completed by a meal provided by the guru, called the langar.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

13 Great Tips To Stamp Out Loneliness

What is LONELINESS? It is not about being on your own. Many people enjoy being on their own and would choose this for themselves for at lest part of the time. They enjoy having their own space. They do not feel the need to have other people around all of the time to validate them or make them feel more comfortable.


If someone experiences feelings of LONELINESS; it is usually not influenced solely by where they are or whether other people are around. It is possible to be in a room full of people and still feel very much ALONE. You can be part of a social gathering and feel LONELY as you are on the periphery and not fully involved with what is going on.

This suggests that LONELINESS is a state of mind. It is tied up with how you feel about yourself.When we have a low self esteem, we have a choice about whether to change this or not. The prospect of change can be daunting.The challenge of embracing this is however very worthwhile, with rewards not only in terms of how you feel bout yourself but also in the quality of your life.


The first task in changing our self esteem is to alter the way in which we view ourselves.

1.Instead of bombarding ourselves with an onslaught of negative comments, try to focus on the more positive aspects about yourself.This could include, PHYSICAL, PRACTICAL, PERSONAL, EMOTIONAL, ATTRIBUTES or things you are good at, PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS..

2.Try asking members of your family, colleagues, friends, how they would describe you. This may reveal a number of POSITIVE statements about you which are surprising and / or uplifting. (Note of caution, choose wisely!)

3.Write down POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS about yourself (Please see article re POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS.)

4.Pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings. When you are aware of these being critical, try challenging them or using THOUGHT STOPPING TECHNIQUES. (Please see article re THOUGHT STOPPING TECHNIQUES.)

5.Practise seeing yourself in particular situations when you feel CONFIDENT and good about who you are and the circumstances you are in. you are feeling comfortable. Feedback from others is POSITIVE. People are paying attention to you. You are maintaining good eye contact .Feed as much information into this exercise as possible. Pay attention to your body language and how you converse. Make sure you CHOOSE clothes to make the most of your physical attributes and feel CONFIDENT in them. Do you feel better wearing make up and perfume? (A question for the girls!) Remember how it feels to have a stronger sense of SELF WORTH, to get POSITIVE FEEDBACK from others and from your own reaction.

6.You can proceed to use the lessons learnt from this exercise to go into the situation for real. You can enter it from a more CONFIDENT and less threatened stance.

7.Try not to leave a situation because of feelings of discomfort or anxiety.This will only increase your fear of a situation at a higher level and give yourself negative feedback.This can be difficult to do. It may be helpful to remember that if you suffer from any symptoms of anxiety these are only an exaggerated form of how we all feel from time to time.They cause discomfort but are not life threatening. Placed in a difficult situation, your symptoms any increase but it will reach a peak and come down again. Try not to be afraid of this feeling and run away from the situation. If you need to, use BREATHING exercises to take control of the situation. (Please see article re BREATHING RETRAINING TECHNIQUES.)If you manage your situation effectively in this way, you will get POSITIVE feedback from the experience resulting in you being less fearful in the future.

Alternatively, PLAN ahead. Think of what would make you feel more comfortable by REHEARSING the situation in your head.This may alert you to any possible difficulties. It is then your task to generate ways of overcoming these difficulties. It can be useful to decide beforehand that you are only going to stay somewhere for an hour. Giving yourself a time limit may make it easier for you to relax and stay in a situation .Even if you are enjoying yourself, it still makes sense to leave at the time you promised yourself and when things are going well. This will ensure you achieve POSITIVE feedback.

8.Remember how you felt when you last heard a friend say something POSITIVE about you or when they did something which made you feel appreciated and liked. Spend less time concentrating on negative thoughts about you. Instead be more focussed on others. Do or say things to others which will make them feel good. You will in turn get POSITIVE feedback from this boosting your SELF ESTEEM. Try bringing in your neighbours wheelie bin, buying someone flowers, pay someone a compliment, invite someone to lunch, simply say thank you more often!

9.Put more FUN into your life. Share a joke . Try recalling something which has made you LAUGH heartily.Watch a good comedy. Get out some old photographs. It is even better if you can share the experience with a friend. Share the LAUGHTER!

10.Get involved in some type of activity which will raise your CONFIDENCE. People often resist the suggestion to attend a confidence building class. There is a place for them but it is perhaps not the best or the healthiest option, to put people together with others who have the same difficulty.

Instead, try one of the following:
Join a drama, music, art, singing or art class, take up a contact sport, challenge yourself by commencing, rock climbing, canoeing, diving, etc. You will benefit from having set yourself a GOAL or CHALLENGE and by the opportunity to express yourself in a different way. You will definitely have something new and interesting to talk about.

If you have a family, you may choose an ACTIVITY which you can do together such as cycling.Dance has the added benefit of being good FUN and brings you into contact with other people. SKIPPING can help increase bone density so is great for all of us over 40.Beware you are more likely to do this on your own. You could however go for a really nice walk somewhere and have your ropes in your pocket.

If you find it difficult to fit EXERCISE into your day:

Try WALKING instead of using transport . If you must drive, park a little way from your place of work. If you take a bus, get off a few stops from where you need to. Use stairs not the lift. If you have a sedentary job, make a point of getting out of your chair regularly and take a WALK in the building.Have a brisk twenty minute WALK at lunch time. Try to get others ROPED in too!

This will offer opportunity to make a new group of friends.You will have a new shared interest and a sense of camaraderie. You may need to trust and be trusted by others.You will have the opportunity to give and receive POSITIVE feedback and have FUN!!!

11.Exercise is useful in enhancing SELF ESTEEM and will also benefit you by lowering your state of arousal. This means that more stress will be required for you to be affected by it. Increased muscle tone can help you feel more confident with how you look. Pick an exercise to meet your specific needs.

12.Stop comparing yourself with others. You will only come out of this disfavourably.

13.Stop judging others. More importantly-Stop judging yourself!

Have a health Problem? Yoga can solve it.

"L" is for let's do Yoga…just kidding. But seriously, Yoga is more than just poses and meditation or stretching. It is healing as well…and you'll be on an unstoppable pace with a proper diet too.


Here are the rest of the recommended poses for various health problems as applicable.

Laryngitis: Sun Salutations, the Shoulder stand and its counter pose. The Wheel pose.

Lethargy: Sun Salutations, Shoulder stand and its counter poses, the Wheel Pose and the Balancing Poses.

Menopause Disorders: Bow, Shoulder stand, Fish, Plough and Head to Knee Poses.

Menstrual disorders: Bow, Shoulder stand, Fish, Plough and Head to Knee Poses.

Nervousness: Shoulder stand and its counter-poses, Bow pose and Corpse pose

Ovarian Insufficiency: Inverted Poses, Bow Pose, Wheel Pose, Abdominal Isolation and the Head to Knee pose.

Premature ejaculations: Shoulder stand, Plough pose, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose and Peacock Pose. Abdominal Lifts.

Pubic Disorders: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Head to Knee Poses (sitting and standing)

Rheumatism: Sun Salutations (mildly 3-6 rounds), the Bow Pose and Triangle Poses. (Avoid Dairy, Wheat and Animal products and other processed and convenience foods!)

Sexual disorders: Inverted Poses, Head to knee poses sitting and standing, bow pose, Balancing Poses (Peacock and Crow variations)

Spinal Stiffness: Spinal Twist, Bow, Sun Salutations Twisted Crow Poses.

Stomach Sagging: Inverted Poses, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose, Wheel Pose, Balancing Exercises.

Thighs: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Diamond Pose, Bow and Wheel Pose, Head to knee Poses, Triangle Poses.

Thyroid Deficiency: Shoulder-Stand and Plough poses. (Include Celery and Green Leafy veggies in your diet and juices)

Uterine disorders: Inverted Poses and the bow pose

Varicose Veins: Inverted poses, Head to knee Poses and the Backward bending Exercises

Waistline-to reduce and firm: Sun Salutations, Inverted Poses, Spinal Twists, Triangle Poses, Balancing exercises

Wrinkles: inverted Poses, head to knee poses, Sun Salutations and the balancing exercises.


There you have it, the comprehensive list of what pose can help with any ailment you may have. Here is another tip, for any of these ailments listed above, incorporate what Philippus Paracelsus has named 'the greatest remedy--the physician within!" and that my friends is a Fast or as an alternative a restricted mono-diet of a juicy fruit.

Yoga, a proper diet and mental attunements combined can be a panacea (cure-all) for just about any disease, so target what you may be encumbered with and with dedicated practice, you should see a drastic improvement.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Comment On the Importance of Human Life

The preservation of human life is the ultimate value, a pillar of ethics and the foundation of all morality. This held true in most cultures and societies throughout history.

On first impression, the last sentence sounds patently wrong. We all know about human collectives that regarded human lives as dispensable, that murdered and tortured, that cleansed and annihilated whole populations in recurrent genocides. Surely, these defy the aforementioned statement?


Liberal philosophies claim that human life was treated as a prime value throughout the ages. Authoritarian regimes do not contest the over-riding importance of this value. Life is sacred, valuable, to be cherished and preserved. But, in totalitarian societies, it can be deferred, subsumed, subjected to higher goals, quantized, and, therefore, applied with differential rigor in the following circumstances:

1.. Quantitative - when a lesser evil prevents a greater one. Sacrificing the lives of the few to save the lives of the many is a principle enshrined and embedded in activities such as war and medicinal care. All cultures, no matter how steeped (or rooted) in liberal lore accept it. They all send soldiers to die to save the more numerous civilian population. Medical doctors sacrifice lives daily, to save others.

It is boils down to a quantitative assessment ("the numerical ratio between those saved and those sacrificed"), and to questions of quality ("are there privileged lives whose saving or preservation is worth the sacrifice of others' lives?") and of evaluation (no one can safely predict the results of such moral dilemmas - will lives be saved as the result of the sacrifice?).

2.. Temporal - when sacrificing life (voluntarily or not) in the present secures a better life for others in the future. These future lives need not be more numerous than the lives sacrificed. A life in the future immediately acquires the connotation of youth in need of protection. It is the old sacrificed for the sake of the new, a trade off between those who already had their share of life - and those who hadn't. It is the bloody equivalent of a savings plan: one defers present consumption to the future.

The mirror image of this temporal argument belongs to the third group (see next), the qualitative one. It prefers to sacrifice a life in the present so that another life, also in the present, will continue to exist in the future. Abortion is an instance of this approach: the life of the child is sacrificed to secure the future well-being of the mother. In Judaism, it is forbidden to kill a female bird. Better to kill its off-spring. The mother has the potential to compensate for this loss of life by bringing giving birth to other chicks.

3.. Qualitative - This is an especially vicious variant because it purports to endow subjective notions and views with "scientific" objectivity. People are judged to belong to different qualitative groups (classified by race, skin color, birth, gender, age, wealth, or other arbitrary parameters). The result of this immoral taxonomy is that the lives of the "lesser" brands of humans are considered less "weighty" and worthy than the lives of the upper grades of humanity. The former are therefore sacrificed to benefit the latter. The Jews in Nazi occupied Europe, the black slaves in America, the aborigines in Australia are three examples of such pernicious thinking.

4.. Utilitarian - When the sacrifice of one life brings another person material or other benefits. This is the thinking (and action) which characterizes psychopaths and sociopathic criminals, for instance. For them, life is a tradable commodity and it can be exchanged against inanimate goods and services. Money and drugs are bartered for life.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Reducing Spam Using The Spam Fighting Filters

Not only are anti spam filtering programs important to keep your computers safe from potential online hackers, viruses and bots, they are also an important time saving feature. For example, if you own or manage a small business, if each of your employees spent just several minutes per day reviewing and deleting spam emails, he or she would end up wasting over 20 billable hours annually. Multiplying twenty hours by the number of employees affected and you have just discovered a major time and money drain for your company. Investing in effective anti-spam practices makes sound financial sense in terms of productivity and computer IT savings.

As online spam continues to increase many people have turned to anti-spam programs. The spam peddlers and the software manufactures are engaged in a battle. As the spam proliferators continue to change up their antics the anti-spam programs themselves have had to upgrade their software, now it has reached the point where some of the software is so complicated, and requires so many time consuming updates, that it to is almost not worth it.


Today's best solution seems to lie in the hands of companies which allow you to run your emails through their servers and filters. These companies run all incoming emails through many tests and weed out the spam. This cuts spam off at the pass and your server will never have to encounter the spam emails. An added benefit to using these third party servers for sifting your email, is these spam messages will no longer take up room on your server.

As mentioned earlier the spam peddlers are upping their skill levels everyday. So, while using a third party server will greatly reduce your risk, relying on one method alone is not sound. As a backup measure it is a good idea to have your own anti spam software running. The best prevention is remember when in doubt throw it out. If you receive a message from an unknown sender, do not open it, click on it, or reply to it. Just like junk mail received in your home's mailbox simply throw the sucker out into your computer's recycle bin.

How To Be Successful At Interviews

No matter how expert or experienced you are, when you are applying for a promotion in your own organisation, or a post in another organisation, being fully prepared for the interview is critical. Your expertise, knowledge, reputation, experience, and appearance, will help you, but it is highly likely that the other candidates will have similar attributes.


Here is list of actions that you should carry out in order to be fully prepared.

Gather information about the recruiting organisation (this includes your present employer if it is an internal interview): before you decide whether to attend the interview, it is essential that you gather information about the organisation and analyse this. You need information on its recent and forecast performance, the condition of the business
sector in which it operates, and the post that it is offering. If the organisation and sector are healthy, and the post looks secure and has potential, then you can move on to the next stage. If your findings are negative then it is almost certain that the best decision would be to reject the opportunity. You need to gather information about the condition of yourself, looking at how your personal and career plans are progressing, focusing on how the prospects in your current job match with your personal and career objectives, and then how the new post could help you to achieve those objectives.

Decide to attend or not to attend the interview: You need to make an objective decision as to whether taking up this new post is the right decision for you, at this time. Armed with the information that you gathered earlier, you can assess the merits of being appointed to the new post, against staying in your current post, albeit perhaps until a more appropriate opportunity arises, and make your decision confidently. It is, of course, tempting to apply for a job which appears to offer a higher salary, more responsibility, more status, and new directions, and if this is so appealing that you are
confident that you can adjust your development plans to match it, and be happy with that decision, then yes, attend the interview and perform to the best of your ability. However, be warned that the interviewers may well reject you because it will become obvious to them that the position they are offering is not a natural fit with your career to date, and worse, they may well ask you how this new opportunity fits with your future personal development plans, and be disappointed with your unconvincing response.

Gather details of the job itself: You need as much information as you can gather about the nature of the job, the role, responsibilities, reporting relationships, location of the workplace, working conditions, and conditions of employment such as working hours, holidays, and corporate policies and procedures that apply to the position. Some of this information will be given to you in the information pack sent to you by the interviewing organisation, or department, but often, sadly, the quality of information sent out is poor. Most professional organisations will have HR departments that will answer your questions on these issues, or pass you on to the appropriate line manager.

Research the interview format: you need to do some basic but essential research on the practicalities of the interview. Again, some of this information will be sent to you. You should be clear about: how to get to the organisation and the specific interview location (don't rely on asking for this information when you arrive, as this adds to the stress of the occasion);
who is on the interview panel (their titles will give you important clues as to their relationships to the post); what format the interview will take (there is nothing worse than arriving expecting a traditional face-to-face interview and finding that it is a day-long series of tests, group activities, and interviews).

Timing of arrival: Make sure that you arrive in good time, allowing time to tidy your physical appearance after your journey, and sufficient time to become calm before the actual interview.

Your appearance: Do not make the mistake of thinking that it is only your history, qualifications, skills, and knowledge that will win you the job. Most other candidates will have similar attributes, so you need to make an impression, to look professional, smart, and appropriate for the post. In many cases, there will have been a previous holder of the post that the interviewers may be using, albeit subconsciously, as a benchmark. You can't guess what the interviewers want, or don't want, in terms of physical appearance and personality, but don't for one second believe anyone that tells you this doesn't matter (it shouldn't, perhaps, in certain circumstances, but you are being invited into their world, and they will be looking for someone who they will be comfortable with (even if the role requires you to be an aggressive change-agent). Yes, in some countries there is legislation that says the job should be offered to the most appropriate person, regardless of appearance, but in real life this isn't what happens. The answer to this dilemma is to research the culture of the organisation that you are joining, so that you are aware of how people, in positions similar to the one you are being interviewed for, dress and behave, and you can comment on or ask questions about this during the interview. However, don't go to the interview in jeans and t-shirt, even if that's the day to day standard. You need to look as professional, as serious about obtaining the job, as possible. For men, that almost certainly means a business suit, or jacket and trousers, with or without tie. For women, a business suit or business outfit. For both sexes, smart-casual can be acceptable, if, but only if, it is that type of environment. In most situations, for most posts on offer to professionals, specialists, managers, experts, consultants, a business outfit is expected at the interview, even if, after appointment, they would never again expect you to come to work in anything remotely as formal.

Your approach: In a word, think positively. You are offering your talents, your experience, your time, effort, and energies, to this organisation, and you need to give the impression that you would be a valuable asset that they would be foolish to reject. This doesn't mean being aggressive, over enthusiastic, pompous, or pretentious, but it does mean showing the interviewers that you are a confident, assertive, pro-active, flexible, professional who would perform successfully if appointed.

Prepare for, and practice answering, the
interview questions: think about questions that you are likely to be asked. Brainstorm this with a colleague, friend, or partner, and practice answering. Practice using the interview questions to strengthen your argument that you are the best person for the job. For example, you will be almost certainly be asked about your experience and qualifications, even though this will be shown in your CV. Your response should be phrased in such a way that you relate your experience, knowledge, and qualifications, to the role and responsibilities of the new post, showing how these existing attributes will give you the confidence and skills to successfully handle the tasks that lie ahead. With luck you will not be asked questions such as - What do you think are the main benefits that you could bring to this job, if appointed? However, it still happens, so you must be prepared for them. Again, practice responding in a way which links your experience and existing skills to the demands of the new role. If you are asked - What would you say are your biggest strengths and worst weaknesses? then talk mostly about your strengths, giving examples of how these have been effectively used, and be very, very careful talking about your alleged weaknesses. Choose a relatively harmless weakness that could be interpreted as a strength, such as being over-zealous about quality criteria being met, or insisting on deadlines being met which can upset some team members. Don't, under any circumstances, negatively criticise your present or past employers, or colleagues. Even if the organisation that you work for is known to have faults or bad practices, don't criticise it or any personnel within it. This is almost always a fatal mistake. You will almost always be asked some questions about the interviewing organisation. Again, use these as an opportunity to show you have researched the organisation, but also to explore what the organisation is planning (at least in the area that you will be working in), and-or what they are expecting of you. For example, you could mention new markets that the organisation has recently entered and ask if that will impact on the post that you are being interviewed for. If you are asked about hobbies and interests, don't give a list of twenty, keep it simple and don't try to impress with esoteric hobbies that you don't actually have. Imagine saying that you enjoy watching French films and then being asked a question about this, in French, by one of the interviewers who is fluent in the language!

Questions asked by you: Most interviews will close with the interviewee being asked if they have any questions to ask. The answer should always be - Yes. Have two questions ready, and either ask these or ask one of them and one that has arisen because something raised in the interview. Make sure that your questions are ones that reinforce your suitability for the post. You could, for example, ask questions about personal development opportunities, explaining, briefly, what you feel would be a potentially useful development activity (of benefit to you and to the organisation) if you were to be offered the post (this should be an area that you have considered whilst researching the organisation and the job itself).

General behaviour: remember, you are being assessed at all times, possibly from when you enter the building and approach the receptionist, certainly from the moment you walk into the interview room to the moment you leave. You must be as natural and relaxed, physically and mentally, as possible, but also professional, polite, and courteous. Never argue, unless you have been given a direct instruction to give your opposing views. Be alert, show an interest in each interviewer as the ask questions, and answer directly to that person, but occasionally look at the others during your answer. In answering questions, don't be evasive, be confident, and use your answers to demonstrate how you would make a good match for the position on offer.

Final word: As the interview ends, thank the interviewers for their time and questions. Say that you would be very pleased if appointed to the job and that you look forward to hearing from them. Even if you have doubts at that moment, this is a courteous and wise way to end the interview. You may later decide that you would like the job and if you have appeared negative as the interview ended you will have reduced your chances considerably.


In summary, the key to being successful at an interview is to treat it as a project that needs to be planned and executed in as professional a manner as possible. Changing jobs, moving into a new position, changing organisations, changing the direction of your career, perhaps moving into a different business sector, leaving behind friends and colleagues, meeting, working with, managing, new colleagues, is a major change in your life. The interview is your doorway into a new world, into the next stage of your personal development. It is a major event, a major opportunity, and must be treated as one.



~Sedikit kisah sebagai perkongsian buat semua..

Bila SI SUAMI balik rumah.... Dia jadi hairan giler...

-halaman umah berselerak,

-surat kat peti pos tak berambil,

-anak-anak tengah main korek-korek tanah kotor, baju compang-camping, penuh dengan tanah

dan kotoran, rambut tak bersikat, tak bermandi..


Masuk ke pintu rumah lagi lelaki tu terkejut...


Ruang tamu lagi teruk berselerak. Lelaki tu melaung nama isterinya.. Sepi...Tiada jawapan.

Masuk ke dapur...

-sinki penuh dengan pinggan mangkuk tak berbasuh,

-periuk tak bercuci,

-mencari apa yang boleh dimakan tetapi tiada makanan yang dimasak.

Masuk ke bilik air...

-baju belum berendam apatah lagi berbasuh.


Lelaki itu cemas mencari isterinya. Dia bergegas ke tingkat atas melihat isterinya terbaring di atas katil sedang membaca buku.


“Awak sakit ke?” tanya lelaki itu.

“Tak lah”, jawab isterinya ringkas.

“Kenapa teruk sangat rumah kita hari ni?” Tanya si suami lagi sambil meletakkan tangan di dahi isterinya, kot-kot isterinya demam.

“Wahai suamiku, semalam semasa kita bertengkar, abang mengatakan yang saya ini hanyalah suri rumah, duduk di rumah tak sepenat diri abang yang duduk di pejabat, dan abang sering menanyakan apa kerja yang saya lakukan di rumah yang menyebabkan saya merungut kepenatan kadang-kadang.."


lelaki tu pun berfikir...ingat balik....

Kalau madam takde kat umah, alangkah tenteramnya hidup ini. Boleh buat ape yang kita suka. Boleh belengkar kat depan TV tanpa sebarang gangguan mental dan fizikal. Pendek kata, FreeDoMmmmmlah!! But hairan bin ajaib, when dia betul-betul pergi, meaning “She’s Gone”’ aku plak terasa separuh mati. Sehari dua memanglah shiokkk, no one shouting from the kitchen for help, no one to komen this and that, no one to criticize. Everything will be smooth…

hahaha... takde yg nak marah ku...

Tapi bila masuk hari ketige, I felt something missing. Lebih-lebih lagi bila tuala mandi dah berbau ‘asshemmmm’, tak tau la mana nak cari yang baru. Colgate dah nak abis, tak tau kat mana dia stock up. Air suam dah habis, malas nak boil… Masuk hari keempat, rindu mula terasa...

(Apabila rindu mencengkam, semuanya jadi tak tentu arah. Tengok TV citer best pon jadi tak best. Nasik bungkus feberite jadik tak feberite. Makan kat 5 star hotel jadik rasa macam makan kat kedai AA. Lebih-lebih lagi bila laundry basket dah makin bertimbun ngan baju kotor. Toilet dah mula licin berdaki.. Lantai dah berbelak, tak dimop.. Every nite, very the lonely, baring atas katil nengok ceiling blindly.. bila lonely gini, baru lah rasa benar kesepian.)

Jangan kata sebulan atau setahun, belum seminggu isteri takde kat rumah, suami dah rasa separuh pengsan. Masa ni barulah sedar betapa pentingnya seorang wanita bernama isteri…


So guys out there... jangan buli isteri anda. Kalau boleh, tolong dia buat kerja rumah. Bukan dok depan TV every weekend baca paper. Apa ingat dia tu kuli ker?! Maid ker?!! Kan dia tu bini kamu, best fren kamu, sweetheart kamu.. Ingat duit hantaran yang kamu kasik dia masa nikah dulu cukup ker nak bayar gaji dia ...............................................................................seumur hidup ???


And furthermore, kan sama-sama kerja carik rezeki, sama-sama jugaklah buat kerja rumah. Kadang-kadang bila poket kamu sesak, tak ingat ker dialah orang yang paling dekat, terdekat kamu nak kenyeng-kenyeng duit. Tak kesian ker nengok bini kamu? Dah la satu hari keja kat office, balik pulak kena buat kerja rumah lagi… penat tau! Kalaulah kamu, wahai para suami diberi peluang jadik seorang wanita… confirm tak rela!!! So to all mums and wives out there, live will be meaningless without you mothers. Uwaaaaaaa!!



Buat seorang lelaki.. “ Wanita adalah insan istimewa, biarkan mereka terus membebel, merengek atau mengilai seperti Pontianak. Seburuk-buruk perangai wanita, ia akan terus melekat di hati anda selagi hayat dikandung badan ”

Monday, April 11, 2011

9119 ~ AKAL vs NAFSU

LELAKI : 9 akal vs 1 nafsu

WANITA : 1 akal vs 9 nafsu

Tapi kenapa 9 akal lelaki tidak dapat mengawal 1 nafsu?

kes ragut = lelaki meragut wanita...tidak pernah lagi terjadi kes wanita meragut lelaki...
kes rogol = lelaki merogol wanita...tidak pernah lagi terjadi kes wanita merogol lelaki...

(Macam-macam lagi kes manipulasi kaum wanita oleh kaum lelaki...Tidak pernah atau jarang benar kita terdengar kes kaum wanita memanipulasi kaum lelaki...)

Kesimpulannya, 9 akal lelaki adalah pelbagai akal terhadap pelbagai hal, manakala 1 nafsu lelaki pula adalah himpunan nafsu yang terkumpul dalam satu kelompok...sebaliknya, 1 akal wanita adalah akal yang terkumpul dalam 1 kelompok, manakala 9 nafsu wanita pula adalah nafsu terhadap pelbagai benda & tidak hanya tertumpu pada satu-satu hal sahaja.

Kisah Pengajaran: Buat suami isteri yang sering bergaduh

Wanita tidak diciptakan untuk dikagumi semua lelaki tetapi sebagai sumber kebahagiaan seorang suami.

Sepasang suami isteri yang sudah menikah selama 7 tahun dan memiliki 3 orang anak, terlibat dalam sebuah pertengkaran hebat. Begitu hebatnya pertengkaran mereka, sampai akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk bercerai,mengakhiri kehidupan rumah tangga mereka secepat mungkin.

Mereka menemui seorang peguam, untuk melangsungkan perundingan pembahagian harta sepencarian di antara mereka, perundingan berlangsung lancar dan akhirnya sebagian besar masalah dapat diselesaikan, baik tanah, rumah, dan semua aset harta mereka dapat dibahagi dan mencapai kepuasan kedua belah pihak.

Hanya satu hal tidak ditemukan jalan keluarnya, yaitu mengenai pembahagian anak ( jangan lupa anak mereka tiga orang). Baik si suami maupun si isteri, sama sama ingin mengasuh 2 anak, tidak ada yang mau mengalah, dan anak tidak mungkin dibelah dua seperti pada Zaman Nabi Sulaiman A.S. dulu.

Akhirnya mereka menemui seorang tokoh agama, meminta nasihat bagaimana jalan keluar yang harus ditempuh. Sang Imam akhirnya memberikan jalan keluar yang bijak, yaitu mereka diminta menunda perceraiannya selama satu tahun, mereka harus menambah satu orang anak selama satu tahun, bila Tuhan mengizinkan perceraian mereka, Tuhan akan memberikan tambahan satu anak, total menjadi 4 anak, sehingga mudah untuk dibahagi di antara mereka berdua.

Kerana si suami dan si isteri sangat serius untuk bercerai, mereka mengambil keputusan berusaha keras untuk menambah anak, dan akhirnya mereka berhasil.

Setahun kemudian, ketika Sang Imam berjalan jalan, beliau bertemu dengan pasangan suami isteri ini, sedang bergandingan tangan dengan mesra, sehingga Sang Imam bertanya, :
"Apakah Kalian tidak berhasil menambah anak sehingga kalian batal bercerai?".

Sang Suami lalu menjawab :
"Tuhan Maha Pengasih, Dia memberikan kami tambahan anak, tapi sekaligus juga memberikan isyarat agar kami saling memaafkan dan saling mengasihi, kami memutuskan untuk tidak bercerai".

"Bagaimana Tuhan memberikan isyarat-Nya?", tanya Sang Imam.

"Tuhan memberikan kami tambahan anak, bukan satu anak, tapi dua anak,anak kembar !!".

Beberapa hikmah:

1. Menunda tindakan negatif sering bermanfaat, apalagi ketika seseorang sedang dikuasai emosi. Ada baiknya jika kita sedang marah kita menunda sesuatu yang ingin kita lakukan..
Betapa banyak penghuni penjara yang menyesal: mengapa ketika marah memukuli isteri/anak/dsb sampai tewas....

2. Mampu mengendalikan marah (emosi) adalah kunci kebaikan, sehingga Nabi S.A.W menekankan laa taghdhab (jangan marah) kepada sahabatnya.

3. Kisah di atas menunjukkan kasih sayang Allah, tetapi ada yang lebih baik daripada kisah di atas iaitu pasangan suami isteri yang selalu berhasil mereda pertengkaran mereka. Mungkin keluar rumah meninggalkanisteri/suami yang marah untuk sebentar kemudian kembali membawa buah tangan/peralatan baru kesukaannya akan membuatnya tersenyum, meminta maaf dan berfikir betapa baiknya suaminya/isterinya.

4. Pertengkaran itu lumrah rumah tangga. Dengan pertengkaranlah membuat keharmonian semakin terasa nikmat. Orang bijaksana akan menikmati pertengkaran dan masa-masa setelahnya dengan tetap mengendalikan suasana agar tidak sampai keluar dari sunnah Nabi S.A.W.

Kerana pertengkaran itu seperti api: sedikitnya bermanfaat tetapi besar dan luasnya membinasakan.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Makna Wanita Diciptakan dari Tulang Rusuk yang PALING Bengkok.

“Berbuat baiklah kepada wanita, kerana sesungguhnya mereka diciptakan dari tulang rusuk, dan sesungguhnya tulang rusuk yang paling bengkok adalah yang paling atas. Maka bersikaplah para wanita dengan baik.” (HR al-Bukhari Kitab an-Nikah no 5186)

Ini adalah perintah untuk para suami, para ayah, saudara saudara lelaki dan lainnya untuk menghendaki kebaikan untuk kaum wanita, berbuat baik terhadap mereka , tidak menzalimi mereka dan senantiasa memberikan hak-hak mereka serta mengarahkan mereka kepada kebaikan.

Ini yang diwajibkan atas semua orang berdasarkan sabda Nabi, “Berbuat baiklah kepada wanita.”

Hal ini janganlah sampai dihalangi oleh perilaku mereka yang adakalanya bersikap buruk terhadap suaminya dan keluarganya, baik berupa perkataan mahupun perbuatan kerana para wanita itu diciptakan dari tulang rusuk, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Nabi bahawa tulang rusuk yang paling bengkok adalah yang paling atas.

Sebagaimana diketahui, bahawa yang paling atas itu adalah pangkal tulang rusuk, itulah tulang rusuk yang paling bengkok, itu jelas. Maknanya, pasti dalam kenyataannya ada kebengkokkan dan kekurangan. Kerana itulah disebutkan dalam hadis lain dalam ash-Shahihain.

“Aku tidak melihat orang orang yang kurang akal dan kurang agama yang lebih dapat menghilangkan akal lelaki yang teguh daripada salah seorang diantara kalian (para wanita).” (HR. Al Bukhari no 304 dan Muslim no. 80)

Makna “kurang akal” dalam sabda Nabi S.A.W. adalah bahawa persaksian dua wanita sebanding dengan persaksian seorang lelaki. Sedangkan makna “kurang agama” dalam sabda Baginda adalah bahawa wanita itu kadangkala selama beberapa hari dan beberapa malam tidak solat, iaitu ketika sedang haid dan nifas. Kekurangan ini merupakan ketetapan Allah pada kaum wanita sehingga wanita tidak berdosa dalam hal ini.

Nabi Muhamad S.W.T tidak berbicara berdasarkan hawa nafsu, tapi berdasar wahyu yang Allah berikan kepadanya, lalu baginda sampaikan kepada ummatnya, sebagaimana firman Allah:

“Demi bintang ketika terbenam, kawanmu (Muhammad) tidak sesat dan tidak keliru, dan tiadalah yang diucapkannya itu menurut kemahuan hawa nafsunya. Ucapannya itu tiada lain hanyalah wahyu yang diwahyukan (kepadanya).” (Qs. An-Najm:4)

Oleh: Andhika Al-Banjari Mtp

15 Anugerah Allah pada Wanita tidak pada Lelaki

1. Pada suatu ketika di Madinah, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar mengiringi jenazah. Baginda dapati beberapa orang wanita dalam majlis tersebut. lalu Baginda bertanya, “Adakah kamu menyembahyangkan mayat?” Jawab mereka,”Tidak” Sabda Baginda “Seeloknya kamu sekalian tidak perlu ziarah dan tidak ada pahala bagi kamu. Tetapi tinggallah di rumah dan berkhidmatlah kepada suami nescaya pahalanya sama dengan ibadat kaum orang lelaki.

2. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan ‘Bismillah’ akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.

3. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan ‘Bismillah’, Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya.

4. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti meyapu lantai di Baitullah.

5. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang mengeluarkan peluh ketika membuat roti, Allah akan membinakan 7 parit di antara dirinya dengan api neraka, jarak di antara parit itu ialah sejauh langit dan bumi.”

6. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya perbuatan baik sebanyak utas benang yang dibuat dan memadamkan seratus perbuatan jahat.”

7. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang menganyam akan benang dibuatnya, Allah telah menentukan satu tempat khas untuknya di atas tahta di hari akhirat.”

8. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang dan kemudian dibuat pakaian untuk anak-anaknya maka Allah akan mencatit baginya ganjaran sama seperti orang yang memberi makan kepada 1000 orang lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada 1000 orang yang tidak berpakaian.”

9. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang meminyakkan rambut anaknya, menyikatnya, mencuci pakaian mereka dan mencuci akan diri anaknya itu, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya pekerjaan baik sebanyak helai rambut mereka dan memadamkan sebanyak itu pula pekerjaan jahat dan menjadikan dirinya kelihatan berseri di mata orang-orang yang memerhatikannya.”

10. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. : “Ya Fatimah setiap wanita meminyakkan rambut dan janggut suaminya, memotong misai dan mengerat kukunya, Allah akan memberi minum kepadanya dari sungai-sungai serta diringankan Allah baginya sakaratul maut dan akan didapatinya kuburnya menjadi sebuah taman daripada taman-taman syurga dan dicatatkan Allah baginya kelepasan dari api neraka dan selamatlah ia melintas Titian Shiratul Mustaqim.”

11. Jika suami mengajarkan atau menerangkan kepada isterinya satu masalah agama atau dunia dia akan mendapat pahala 80 tahun ibadat.

12. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga dan menunggu kedatangan suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut.

13. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah. Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita (isteri) yang solehah.

14. Salah satu tanda keberkatan wanita itu ialah cepat perkahwinannya, cepat pula kehamilannya dan ringan pula maharnya (mas kahwin).

15. Sebaik-baik wanita ialah wanita (isteri) yang apabila engkau memandang kepadanya ia menggembirakan kamu, jika engkau memerintahnya ia mentaati perintah tersebut dan jika engkau bermusafir dia menjaga harta engkau dan dirinya. Maksud hadis: Dunia yang paling aku sukai ialah wanita solehah.