SomEtHiNg spEciaL foR aLL!!!

My LifE is tHe ArT of thE dRaWiNg wiThOuT aN eRasEr...

eVerYonE WanT's tO bE hApPy...NobOdy wAnT's tO bE pAiN...bUt, yOu jUst cAn'T hAvE a RaiNbOw wItHouT aNy rAiN...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Buat Wanita

“Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang tidak memandang dan tidak dipandang oleh lelaki.”

Aku tidak ingin dipandang cantik oleh lelaki. Biarlah aku hanya cantik di matamu. Apa gunanya aku menjadi perhatian lelaki andai murka Allah ada di situ.

Apalah gunanya aku menjadi idaman banyak lelaki sedangkan aku hanya bisa menjadi milikmu seorang.

Aku tidak merasa bangga menjadi rebutan lelaki bahkan aku merasa terhina diperlakukan sebegitu seolah-olah aku ini barang yang bisa dimiliki sesuka hati.

Aku juga tidak mau menjadi penyebab kejatuhan seorang lelaki yang dikecewakan lantaran terlalu mengharapkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat aku berikan.

Bagaimana akan kujawab di hadapan Allah kelak andai ditanya? Adakah itu sumbanganku kepada manusia selama hidup di muka bumi?

Kalau aku tidak ingin kau memandang perempuan lain, aku dululah yang perlu menundukkan pandanganku. Aku harus memperbaiki dan menghias peribadiku karena itulah yang dituntut oleh Allah.

Kalau aku ingin lelaki yang baik menjadi suamiku, aku juga perlu menjadi perempuan yang baik. Bukankah Allah telah menjanjikan perempuan yang baik itu untuk lelaki yang baik?

Tidak kunafikan sebagai wanita, aku memiliki perasaan untuk menyayangi dan disayangi. Namun setiap kali perasaan itu datang, setiap kali itulah aku mengingatkan diriku bahwa aku perlu menjaga perasaan itu karena ia semata-mata untukmu.

Allah telah memuliakan seorang lelaki yang bakal menjadi suamiku untuk menerima hati dan perasaanku yang suci. Bukan hati yang menjadi labuhan lelaki lain. Engkau berhak mendapat kasih yang tulen.

Diriku yang memang lemah ini telah diuji oleh Allah saat seorang lelaki ingin berkenalan denganku. Aku dengan tegas menolak, berbagai macam dalil aku kemukakan, tetapi dia tetap tidak berputus asa.

Aku merasa seolah-olah kehidupanku yang tenang ini telah dirampas dariku. Aku bertanya-tanya adakah aku berada di tebing kebinasaan? Aku beristigfar memohon ampunan-Nya. Aku juga berdoa agar Pemilik Segala Rasa Cinta melindungi diriku dari kejahatan.

Kehadirannya membuatku banyak memikirkan tentang dirimu. Kau kurasakan seolah-olah wujud bersamaku.

Di mana saja aku berada, akal sadarku membuat perhitungan denganmu. Aku tahu lelaki yang menggodaku itu bukan dirimu. Malah aku yakin pada gerak hatiku yang mengatakan lelaki itu bukan teman hidupku kelak.

Aku bukanlah seorang gadis yang cerewet dalam memilih pasangan hidup. Siapalah diriku untuk memilih permata sedangkan aku hanyalah sebutir pasir yang wujud di mana-mana.

Tetapi aku juga punya keinginan seperti wanita yang lain, dilamar lelaki yang bakal memimpinku ke arah tujuan yang satu.

Tidak perlu kau memiliki wajah setampan Nabi Yusuf Alaihisalam, juga harta seluas perbendaharaan Nabi Sulaiman Alaihisalam, atau kekuasaan seluas kerajaan Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam, yang mampu mendebarkan hati jutaan gadis untuk membuat aku terpikat.

Andainya kaulah jodohku yang tertulis di Lauh Mahfuz, Allah pasti akan menanamkan rasa kasih dalam hatiku juga hatimu. Itu janji Allah.

Akan tetapi, selagi kita tidak diikat dengan ikatan yang sah, selagi itu jangan dibazirkan perasaan itu karena kita masih tidak mempunyai hak untuk membuat begitu.

Juga jangan melampaui batas yang telah Allah tetapkan. Aku takut perbuatan-perbuatan seperti itu akan memberi kesan yang tidak baik dalam kehidupan kita kelak.

Permintaanku tidak banyak. Cukuplah engkau menyerahkan seluruh dirimu pada mencari redha Illahi.

Aku akan merasa amat bernilai andai dapat menjadi tiang penyangga ataupun sandaran perjuanganmu.

Bahkan aku amat bersyukur pada Illahi kiranya akulah yang ditakdirkan meniup semangat juangmu, mengulurkan tanganku untukmu berpaut sewaktu rebah atau tersungkur di medan yang dijanjikan Allah dengan kemenangan atau syahid itu.

Akan kukeringkan darah dari lukamu dengan tanganku sendiri. Itu impianku. Aku pasti berendam airmata darah, andainya engkau menyerahkan seluruh cintamu kepadaku.

Cukuplah kau mencintai Allah dengan sepenuh hatimu karena dengan mencintai Allah, kau akan mencintaiku karena-Nya. Cinta itu lebih abadi daripada cinta biasa. Moga cinta itu juga yang akan mempertemukan kita kembali di syurga.

Seorang gadis yang membiarkan dirinya dikerumuni, didekati, diakrabi oleh lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya, cukuplah dengan itu hilang harga dirinya di hadapan Allah. Di hadapan Allah. Di hadapan Allah.

Yang dicari walau bukan putera raja, biarlah putera Agama.

Yang diimpi, biarlah tak punya rupa, asal sedap dipandang mata.

Yang dinilai, bukan sempurna sifat jasmani, asalkan sihat rohani dan hati.

Yang diharap, bukan jihad pada semangat, asal perjuangannya ada matlamat.

Yang datang, tak perlu rijal yang gemilang, kerana diri ini serikandi dengan silam yang kelam.

Yang dinanti, bukan lamaran dengan permata, cukuplah akad dan janji setia.

Dan yg akan terjadi, andai tak sama dgn kehendak hati, insyaAllah ku redha ketetapan Illahi..

Wahai wanita, ku ingatkan diriku dan dirimu, peliharalah diri dan jagalah kesucian.. semoga redha Allah akan sentiasa mengiringi dan memberkati perjalanan hidup ini.

Allah Memang Sengaja...

Ketahuilah bahawa…

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak serupa dengan kita, supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yang baik.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak sama fikirannya dengan kita, supaya kita sedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yg sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak memahami keadaan diri kita, supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK, KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak sempurna, supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yang hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang sangat lain perangainya dengan kita, supaya kita dapat mengutip pengalaman yang tak semua orang berpeluang untuk mengalaminya.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang banyak komplen itu dan ini, supaya kita jadi MANUSIA YANG HEBAT JIWANYA.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak penyayang, supaya kita lebih faham bahawa CINTA YANG TERBAIK HANYA ADA BERSAMA ALLAH.

Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang banyak sombong dan bangga diri,supaya kita LEBIH MENGENALI KEHIDUPAN YANG TAK SELAMANYA KEKAL.

Wahai sahabat yang kecewa, menderita dan sengsara kerana cinta, fahamilah bahawa kehidupan kita makin sampai ke penghujungnya.

Hari esok pun kita sendiri tak pasti samaada ia menjadi milik kita.

Gapailah keredhaan ALLAH dengan melaksanakan suruhan-NYA,dan meninggalkan laranganNYA.

PERCAYALAH sesungguhnya ALLAH ‘malu’ untuk menolak permintaan hamba-NYA yg menadah tangan meminta dengan penuh pengharapan HANYA kepada-NYA.

Sabarlah sahabatku.

Sabar bukan berarti diam..
sabar bukan berarti tidak boleh menangis..
Sabar adalah kemulian dlm sikap tenang melawan luka dalam hidup..

Ceriakan hatimu. Kerana ALLAH itu sentiasa ada bersamamu selagimana kamu taat akanNYA.

If God answers your prayer, He is increasing your faith.
If He delays, He is increasing your patience.
If He doesn’t answer, He knows you can handle it

Thursday, September 15, 2011

~~~ Aku & Diriku ~~~

Dah lama rasanya aku tidak lagi menitipkan sebarang perkhabaran di blogku ini..Jemariku serasa amat malas untuk menari-nari di atas keyboard laptop kesayanganku untuk menitipkan secoret cerita buat tatapan semua..Semuanya kerana terlalu beratnya beban yang kutanggung hingga aku merasa amat malas untuk melakukan apa jua...
Namun, hari ini...segalanya berubah..ya, segalanya telah berubah..aku telah mula membuka ruang di mindaku untuk mencoretkan secebis coretan buat tatapan pengunjung blogku..mungkin coretanku ini tidaklah terlalu bermakna buat insan-insan lain, namun aku hanya mampu berharap agar coretanku yang tak seberapa ini akan mampu menyampaikan segarit berita serta perkhabaran buat teman-teman blogger semua..
Aku kini sedang menuju ke fasa baru..mungkin untuk kebahagiaan..atau mungkin juga untuk kesakitan..entahlah..hanya Tuhan je yang tahu dan hanya Tuhan je yang memahami..
Apapun, aku amat berharap, kalian semua doakan aku bahagia..semoga aku sentiasa gembira..amin...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 Quick Stress Busters

How do you react when your plans fall through? Do you roll with the punches? Or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? To a great extent, our personality determines how we deal with stress in our lives, but here are 5 things to help keep your stress under control:

1. Sleep more.
It's very common in our society to exist on less than 6 hours of sleep a night. But experts keep telling us we need at least 8 hours. Not just to rest our bodies, but to rejuvenate our minds. "Tired" and "cranky" seem to go hand in hand. Don't use your bedroom to watch the news or finish up some work from the office. Make that room your haven, a place to relax and escape the day. Have a hot cup of tea, take a warm bath, or read a paperback to help you unwind.

2. Have faith.
Saying a short prayer in times of stress can give you a sense of calm, especially when the situation is one you really have no control over. Studies have shown that people who trust in a higher power have lower blood pressure. Being able to forgive people also can affect your blood pressure. Holding a grudge is not good for your health!

3. Turn it off.
The convenience that cell phones have added to our lives can actually be a double-edged sword. We depend on them so much it seems we can't live without them. This increased accessibility means not only can our loved ones reach us at any time, but so can work. If your employer legitimately needs to have your cell phone number, make sure you set clear limits on when you can and cannot be reached. Your time off is yours.

4. Take a holiday.
It doesn't have to be a fancy vacation resort. A day at the beach, or an afternoon at the park will do. Just anywhere you can be and not think about the bills, work, or whatever tensions you may have. It's important to take time for yourself, so do it! You'll feel better with a fresh outlook.

5. Treat yourself.
Sign up for a yoga class at your local gym or community center. The costs are nominal, and you'll feel more relaxed after even just one session. A monthly massage or a spa treatment is also a great way to recharge. You'll walk out feeling like a million dollar bowl of jelly.

Stress is unavoidable. But what we do about it is up to us. Experiment with these suggestions and see what works for you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

11 Great ways to relieve stress...

In our lives today, we often find ourselves so busy taking care of the home, the children, our businesses, our social life, our children's social life, our bills and just life in general that we often forget to take care of ourselves.

With us wearing so many hats in life, we often find ourselves stressed and worn out. But there are remedies for this. For me personally, I find that by making myself indulge in at least one of the following during my week, I am much happier and a lot less stressed. I find myself enjoying this "My Time" but I also sometimes try to get my family involved so that we all can lead a more stress free life.

1.) Try to live Simply

2.) Take a nice long scenic walk, perhaps the beach or the lake. (Even invite a friend)

3.) Put on your favorite music, turn it up loud and dance

4.) Light up your electric simmering (aroma) pot with a softly scented aroma. This allows your senses to relax, thus allowing you to relax. Then curl up on the sofa with a good book

5.) Sink into your tub for a long, luxurious soak at the end of the day. Light a few nicely scented candles, turn off the lights and let the glow and scent of the candle relax your mind, body and soul.

6.) Splurge just a little and go in for a professional massage at your local day spa

7.) Go have a manicure and pedicure done. (And I truly suggest the Spa Pedicure – ohh la la!)

8.) How about your favorite movie? You know the one that just made you laugh, cry and smile.

9.) Another great idea is your local Coffee Stop. This is especially nice if it has a book store inside. Grab a cup of coffee or cappuccino and a magazine and just relax with the latest Hollywood gossip or a wonderful romance book

10.) Got a best or very dear friend you haven't talked to in awhile? Pick up the phone and call him/her and reconnect.

11) The number one Stress Reliever: Take a Vacation!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 Fears and How to Overcome Them - Law of Attraction Classics: Napoleon Hill

"You Can Do It if You Believe You Can!"

BEFORE approaching the fundamental principles upon which this lesson is founded it will be of benefit to you to keep in mind the fact that it is practical - that it brings you the discoveries of more than twenty-five years of research-that it has the approval of the leading scientific men and women of the world who have tested every principle involved.

Skepticism is the deadly enemy of progress and self-development. You might as well lay this book aside and stop right here as to approach this lesson with the feeling that it was written by some long-haired theorist who had never tested the principles upon which the lesson is based.

Surely this is no age for the skeptic, because it is an age in which we have seen more of Nature's laws uncovered and harnessed than had been discovered in all past history of the human race. Within three decades we have witnessed the mastery of the air; we have explored the ocean; we have all but annihilated distances on the earth; we have harnessed the lightning and made it turn the wheels of industry; we have made seven blades of grass grow where but one grew before; we have instantaneous communication between the nations of the world. Truly, this is an age of illumination and unfoldment, but we have as yet barely scratched the surface of knowledge. However, when we shall have unlocked the gate that leads to the secret power which is stored up within us it will bring us knowledge that will make all past discoveries pale into oblivion by comparison.

Thought is the most highly organized form of energy known to man, and this is an age of experimentation and research that is sure to bring us into greater understanding of that mysterious force called thought, which reposes within us. We have already found out enough about the human mind to know that a man may throw off the accumulated effects of a thousand generations of fear, through the aid of the principle of Auto-suggestion. We have already discovered the fact that fear is the chief reason for poverty and failure and misery that takes on a thousand different forms. We have already discovered the fact that the man who masters fear may march on to successful achievement in practically any undertaking, despite all efforts to defeat him.

The development of self-confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear, which sits upon a man's shoulder and whispers into his ear, "You can't do it - you are afraid to try - you are afraid of public opinion - you are afraid that you will fail - you are afraid you have not the ability."

This fear demon is getting into close quarters. Science has found a deadly weapon with which to put it to flight, and this lesson on self-confidence has brought you this weapon for use in your battle with the world-old enemy of progress, fear.


THE SIX BASIC FEARS OF MANKIND: Every person falls heir to the influence of six basic fears. Under these six fears may be listed the lesser fears. The six basic or major fears are here enumerated and the sources from which they are believed to have grown are described.

The six basic fears are:

a The fear of Poverty
b The fear of Old Age
c The fear of Criticism
d The fear of Loss of Love of Someone.
e The fear of Ill Health
f The fear of Death.

Study the list, then take inventory of your own fears and ascertain under which of the six headings you can classify them.

Every human being who has reached the age of understanding is bound down, to some extent, by one or more of these six basic fears. As the first step in the elimination of these six evils let us examine the sources from whence we inherited them.


All that man is, both physically and mentally, he came by through two forms of heredity. One is known as physical heredity and the other is called social heredity.

Through the law of physical heredity man has slowly evolved from the amoeba (a single-cell animal form), through stages of development corresponding to all the known animal forms now on this earth, including those which are known to have existed but which are now extinct.

Every generation through which man has passed has added to his nature something of the traits, habits and physical appearance of that generation. Man's physical inheritance, therefore, is a heterogeneous collection of many habits and physical forms.

There seems little, if any, doubt that while the six basic fears of man could not have been inherited through physical heredity (these six basic fears being mental states of mind and therefore not capable of transmission through physical heredity), it is obvious that through physical heredity a most favorable lodging place for these six fears has been provided.

For example, it is a well known fact that the whole process of physical evolution is based upon death, destruction, pain and cruelty; that the elements of the soil of the earth find transportation, in their upward climb through evolution, based upon the death of one form of life in order that another and higher form may subsist. All vegetation lives by "eating" the elements of the soil and the elements of the air. All forms of animal life live by "eating" some other and weaker form, or some form of vegetation.

The cells of all vegetation have a very high order of intelligence. The cells of all animal life likewise have a very high order of intelligence.

Undoubtedly the animal cells of a fish have learned, out of bitter experience, that the group of animal cells known as a fish hawk are to be greatly feared.

By reason of the fact that many animal forms (including that of most men) live by eating the smaller and weaker animals, the "cell intelligence" of these animals which enter into and become a part of man brings with it the FEAR growing out of their experience in having been eaten alive.

This theory may seem to be far-fetched, and in fact it may not be true, but it is at least a logical theory if it is nothing more. The author makes no particular point of this theory, nor does he insist that it accounts for any of the six basic fears. There is another, and a much better explanation of the source of these fears, which we will proceed to examine, beginning with a description of social heredity.

By far the most important part of man's make-up comes to him through the law of social heredity, this term having reference to the methods by which one generation imposes upon the minds of the generation under its immediate control the superstitions, beliefs, legends and ideas which it, in turn, inherited from the generation preceding.

The term "social heredity" should be understood to mean any and all sources through which a person acquires knowledge, such as schooling of religious and all other natures; reading, word of mouth conversation, story telling and all manner of thought inspiration coming from what is generally accepted as one's "personal experiences."

Through the operation of the law of social heredity anyone having control of the mind of a child may, through intense teaching, plant in that child's mind any idea, whether false or true, in such a manner that the child accepts it as true and it becomes as much a part of the child's personality as any cell or organ of its physical body (and just as hard to change in its nature).

REMEMBER that when you make an appointment with another person you assume the responsibility of punctuality, and that you have not the right to be a single minute late.

It is through the law of social heredity that the religionist plants in the child mind dogmas and creeds and religious ceremonies too numerous to describe, holding those ideas before that mind until the mind accepts them and forever seals them as a part of its irrevocable belief.

The mind of a child which has not come into the age of general understanding, during an average period covering, let us say, the first two years of its life, is plastic, open, clean and free. Any idea planted in such a mind by one in whom the child has confidence takes root and grows, so to speak, in such a manner that it never can be eradicated or wiped out, no matter how opposed to logic or reason that idea may be.

Many religionists claim that they can so deeply implant the tenets of their religion in the mind of a child that there never can be room in that mind for any other religion, either in whole or in part. The claims are not greatly overdrawn.

With this explanation of the manner in which the law of social heredity operates the student will be ready to examine the sources from which man inherits the six basic fears. Moreover, any student (except those who have not yet grown big enough to examine truth that steps upon the "pet corns" of their own superstitions) may check the soundness of the principle of social heredity as it is here applied to the six basic fears, without going outside of his or her own personal experiences.

Fortunately, practically the entire mass of evidence submitted in this lesson is of such a nature that all who sincerely seek the truth may ascertain, for themselves, whether the evidence is sound or not.


For the moment at least, lay aside your prejudices and preconceived ideas (you may always go back and pick them up again, you know) while we study the origin and nature of man's Six Worst Enemies, the six basic fears, beginning with:

THE FEAR OF POVERTY: It requires courage to tell the truth about the origin of this fear, and still greater courage, perhaps, to accept the truth after it has been told. The fear of poverty grew out of man's inherited tendency to prey upon his fellow man economically. Nearly all forms of lower animals have instinct but appear not to have the power to reason and think; therefore, they prey upon one another physically. Man, with his superior sense of intuition, thought and reason, does not eat his fellow men bodily; he gets more satisfaction out of eating them FINANCIALLY!

Of all the ages of the world of which we know anything, the age in which we live seems to be the age of money worship. A man is considered less than the dust of the earth unless he can display a fat bank account. Nothing brings man so much suffering and humiliation as does POVERTY. No wonder man FEARS poverty. Through a long line of inherited experiences with the man-animal man has learned, for certain, that this animal cannot always be trusted where matters of money and other evidences of earthly possessions are concerned.

Many marriages have their beginning (and oftentimes their ending) solely on the basis of the wealth possessed by one or both of the contracting parties.

It is no wonder that the divorce courts are busy!

"Society" could quite properly be spelled "$ociety," because it is inseparably associated with the dollar mark. So eager is man to possess wealth that he will acquire it in whatever manner he can; through legal methods, if possible, through other methods if necessary.

The fear of poverty is a terrible thing!

A man may commit murder, engage in robbery, rape and all other manner of violation of the rights of others and still regain a high station in the minds of his fellow men, PROVIDING always that he does not lose his wealth. Poverty, therefore, is a crime-an unforgivable sin, as it were.

No wonder man fears it!

Every statute book in the world bears evidence that the fear of poverty is one of the six basic fears of mankind, for in every such book of laws may be found various and sundry laws intended to protect the weak from the strong. To spend time trying to prove either that the fear of poverty is one of man's inherited fears, or that this fear has its origin in man's nature to cheat his fellow man, would be similar to trying to prove that three times two are six. Obviously no man would ever fear poverty if he had any grounds for trusting his fellow men, for there is food and shelter and raiment and luxury of every nature sufficient for the needs of every person on earth, and all these blessings would be enjoyed by every person except for the swinish habit that man has of trying to push all the other "swine" out of the trough, even after he has all and more than he needs.

The second of the six basic fears with which man is bound is:

THE FEAR OF OLD AGE: In the main this fear grows out of two sources. First, the thought that Old Age may bring with it POVERTY. Secondly, and by far the most common source of origin, from false and cruel sectarian teachings which have been so well mixed with "fire and brimstone" and with "purgatories" and other bogies that human beings have learned to fear Old Age because it meant the approach of another, and possibly a much more HORRIBLE, world than this one which is known to be bad enough.

In the basic fear of Old Age man has two very sound reasons for his apprehension: the one growing out of distrust of his fellow men who may seize whatever worldly goods he may possess, and the other arising from the terrible pictures of the world to come which were deeply planted in his mind, through the law of social heredity, long before he came into possession of that mind.

Is it any wonder that man fears the approach of Old Age?

The third of the six basic fears is:

THE FEAR OF CRITICISM: Just how man acquired this basic fear it would be hard, if not impossible, definitely to determine, but one thing is certain, he has it in well developed form.

Some believe that this fear made its appearance in the mind of man about the time that politics came into existence. Others believe its source can be traced no further than the first meeting of an organization of females known as a "Woman's Club." Still another school of humorists charges the origin to the contents of the Holy Bible, whose pages abound with some very vitriolic and violent forms of criticism. If the latter claim is correct, and those who believe literally all they find in the Bible are not mistaken, then God is responsible for man's inherent fear of Criticism, because God caused the Bible to be written.

This author, being neither a humorist nor a "prophet," but just an ordinary workaday type of person, is inclined to attribute the basic fear of Criticism to that part of man's inherited nature which prompts him not only to take away his fellow man's goods and wares, but to justify his action by CRITICISM of his fellow man's character.

The fear of Criticism takes on many different forms, the majority of which are petty and trivial in nature, even to the extent of being childish in the extreme.

Bald-headed men, for example, are bald for no other reason than their fear of Criticism. Heads become bald because of the protection of hats with tight fitting bands which cut off the circulation at the roots of the hair. Men wear hats, not because they actually need them for the sake of comfort, but mainly because "everybody's doing it," and the individual falls in line and does it also, lest some other individual CRITICIZE him.

Women seldom have bald heads, or even thin hair, because they wear hats that are loose, the only purpose of which is to make an appearance.

But it must not be imagined that women are free from the fear of Criticism associated with hats. If any woman claims to be superior to man with reference to this fear, ask her to walk down the street wearing a hat that is one or two seasons out of style!

IN every soul there has been deposited the seed of a great future, but that seed will never germinate, much less grow to maturity, except through the rendering of useful service.

The makers of all manner of clothing have not been slow to capitalize this basic fear of Criticism with which all mankind is cursed. Every season, it will be observed, the "styles" in many articles of wearing apparel change. Who establishes the "styles"? Certainly not the purchaser of clothes, but the manufacturer of clothes. Why does he change the styles so often? Obviously this change is made so that the manufacturer can sell more clothes.

For the same reason the manufacturers of automobiles (with a few rare and very sensible exceptions) change styles every season.

The manufacturer of clothing knows how the man-animal fears to wear a garment which is one season out of step with "that which they are all wearing now."

Is this not true? Does not your own experience back it up?
We have been describing the manner in which people behave under the influence of the fear of Criticism as applied to the small and petty things of life. Let us now examine human behavior under this fear when it affects people in connection with the more important matters connected with human intercourse. Take, for example, practically any person who has reached the age of "mental maturity" (from thirty-five to forty-five years of age, as a general average), and if you could read his or her mind you would find in that mind a very decided disbelief of and rebellion against most of the fables taught by the majority of the religionists.

Powerful and mighty is the fear of CRITICISM!

The time was, and not so very long ago at that,when the word "infidel" meant ruin to whomsoever it was applied. It is seen, therefore, that man's fear of CRITICISM is not without ample cause for its existence.

The fourth basic fear is that of:

THE FEAR OF LOSS OF LOVE OF SOMEONE: The source from which this fear originated needs but little description, for it is obvious that it grew out of man's nature to steal his fellow man's mate; or at least to take liberties with her, unknown to her rightful "lord" and master. By nature all men are polygamous, the statement of a truth which will, of course, bring denials from those who are either too old to function in a normal way sexually, or have, from some other cause, lost the contents of certain glands which are responsible for man's tendency toward the plurality of the opposite sex.

There can be but little doubt that jealousy and all other similar forms of more or less mild dementia praecox (insanity) grew out of man's inherited fear of the Loss of Love of Someone.

Of all the "sane fools" studied by this author, that represented by a man who has become jealous of some woman, or that of a woman who has become jealous of some man, is the oddest and strangest. The author, fortunately, never had but one case of personal experience with this form of insanity, but from that experience he learned enough to justify him in stating that the fear of the Loss of Love of Someone is one of the most painful, if not in fact the most painful, of all the six basic fears. And it seems reasonable to add that this fear plays more havoc with the human mind than do any of the other six basic fears, often leading to the more violent forms of permanent insanity.

The fifth basic fear is that of:

THE FEAR OF ILL HEALTH: This fear has its origin, to considerable extent also, in the same sources from which the fears of Poverty and Old Age are derived.

The fear of Ill Health must needs be closely associated with both Poverty and Old Age, because it also leads toward the border line of "terrible worlds" of which man knows not, but of which he has heard some discomforting stories.

The author strongly suspects that those engaged in the business of selling good health methods have had considerable to do with keeping the fear of Ill Health alive in the human mind.

For longer than the record of the human race can be relied upon, the world has known of various and sundry forms of therapy and health purveyors. If a man gains his living from keeping people in good health it seems but natural that he would use every means at his command for persuading people that they needed his services. Thus, in time, it might be that people would inherit a fear of Ill Health.

The sixth and last of the six basic fears is that of:

THE FEAR OF DEATH: To many this is the worst of all the six basic fears, and the reason why it is so regarded becomes obvious to even the casual student of psychology.

The terrible pangs of fear associated with DEATH may be charged directly to religious fanaticism, the source which is more responsible for it than are all other sources combined.

So-called "heathen" are not as much afraid of DEATH as are the "civilized," especially that portion of the civilized population which has come under the influence of theology.

For hundreds of millions of years man has been asking the still unanswered (and, it may be, the unanswerable) questions, "WHENCE?" and "WHITHER?" "Where did I come from and where am I going after death?"

The more cunning and crafty, as well as the honest but credulous, of the race have not been slow to offer the answer to these questions. In fact the answering of these questions has become one of the so-called "learned" professions, despite the fact that but little learning is required to enter this profession.

Witness, now, the major source of origin of the fear of DEATH!


"Come into my tent, embrace my faith, accept my dogmas (and pay my salary) and I will give you a ticket that will admit you straightway into heaven when you die," says the leader of one form of sectarianism. "Remain out of my tent," says this same leader, "and you will go direct to hell, where you will burn throughout eternity."

While, in fad, the self-appointed leader may not be able to provide safe-conduct into heaven nor, by lack of such provision, allow the unfortunate seeker after truth to descend into hell, the possibility of the latter seems so terrible that it lays hold of the mind and creates that fear of fears, the fear of DEATH!

In truth no man knows, and no man has ever known, what heaven or hell is like, or if such places exist, and this very lack of definite knowledge opens the door of the human mind to the charlatan to enter and control that mind with his stock of legerdemain and various brands of trickery, deceit and fraud.

The truth is this - nothing less and nothing more - That NO MAN KNOWS NOR HAS ANY MAN EVER KNOWN WHERE WE COME FROM AT BIRTH OR WHERE WE GO AT DEATH. Any person claiming otherwise is either deceiving himself or he is a conscious impostor who makes it a business to live without rendering service of value, through play upon the credulity of humanity.

Be it said, in their behalf, however, the majority of those engaged in "selling tickets into heaven" actually believe not only that they know where heaven exists, but that their creeds and formulas will give safe passage to all who embrace them.

This belief may be summed up in one word - CREDULITY!

Religious leaders, generally, make the broad, sweeping claim that the present civilization owes its existence to the work done by the churches. This author, as far as he is personally concerned, is willing to grant their claims to be correct, if, at the same time he be permitted to add that even if this claim be true the theologians haven't a great deal of which to brag.

But, it is not - cannot be - true that civilization has grown out of the efforts of the organized churches and creeds, if by the term "civilization" is meant the uncovering of the natural laws and the many inventions to which the world is the present heir.

If the theologians wish to claim that part of civilization which has to do with man's conduct toward his fellow man they are perfectly welcome to it, as far as this author is concerned; but, on the other hand, if they presume to gobble up the credit for all the scientific discovery of mankind the author begs leave to offer vigorous protest.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Introduction to Manifestation

Have you ever thought who you are? Are you the body you see every day in a mirror? Of course you are not. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists cells in our bodies are constantly replaced by the new ones. Although the scientists differ in their opinions, most of them agree that every seven years we have a completely new body. Not even one cell is the same.

Anyway, most people intuitionally feel that they are not their bodies. When someone dies they say he has left. So, what has left? The body it's still there.

Are you your mind? You can observe your own mind. You can notice what you are thinking about now. Maybe you are reading this article now, but you are thinking about something else? Doesn't it happen often? You can observe how your mind works, so you are not your mind.

But most of the time we don't observe it. It's just the opposite, our minds constantly play different films in front of us, and it is not easy to stop them doing it.

Have you ever tried to control your mind? Try for five minutes to concentrate on something. Let's say visualize a yellow triangle. Do not think about anything else. Just concentrate on the yellow triangle. Can you do it? Notice how many times you have thought about something else than the yellow triangle. It's very difficult to control a mind. Usually our minds control us.

What do you mostly think about every day? If you are like most people you think about your past or your future.

Our past reminiscences can be happy or sad, but past is the past. It's gone. Future is unknown, but we are creating our future now. Whatever we are thinking about now will manifest in the future. So if we think about our problems, lack of money, difficult situations, our future will be like this. If we think how make ends meet, it will happen. We will just make ends meet.

What if you started to live now? What if you stopped thinking about your past and stopped worrying about your future. You could think now that your life is happy. You could think that NOW you and your family have everything that you want and desire. Try it. Try to really visualize your perfect life. Don't think about future. Think that it's now and be grateful for it. If your visualization is good, you will feel happy and excited. You will feel good, but most important is that you have just started making it really happen in the future.

Of course, you need to train your mind to do it every day. You need to learn the science of manifestation and practice. Great things don't come easily. That's why so many people don't live the lives of their dreams. They don't control their lives. They live their lives automatically. But you can change it. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy. You just need to make some effort.

If you want to learn more about Manifestation go to:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stress Less And Relieve Tension In Your Mind And Body.

Do you ever get the feeling that you just cant think straight any longer? That your ability to concentrate has just disappeared? That your brain has somehow reached overload and your thought processes have ground to a halt? You're tired and irritable! Perhaps your neck feels stiff and your shoulders and muscles are tight, and your head aches! Does all this seem familiar?

We all know stress - it's part of life! Pressure is a form of stress and we use it every day, at work and in our daily lives. We apply pressure to ourselves, or it is applied to us, when we set time frames and objectives for projects, goals and ambitions. Without pressure and stress we would simply get nothing done, we wouldn't achieve anything! Stress is good when it invigorates your life and challenges you to reach the limits of your potential.

Stress can be bad however, when it reaches a level beyond which you feel in control any longer. Stress then becomes counter productive and a destructive force in your life. When you find yourself tense, tired and uncomfortable. When worry about problems or situations causes tension, insomnia, depression and other physical and psychological problems.

Bad Stress also affects your immune system and makes you more susceptible to illness, pain and headaches, but if you know how, you don't have to allow that to happen anymore!

Imagine… having relief on tap, something you could experience whenever you need it, something that would remove all the stress from your body and return the sparkle to your mind. How would you feel if you could wake up tomorrow, feeling in control?

Well, Happily, you are blessed with a really powerful tool that can remove stress instantly - your body's relaxation response. Using hypnosis to trigger this wonderful natural effect will release hormones and neurotransmitters that flood your body and mind with pure, cleansing relaxation. You owe it to yourself to feel the relief you can have instantly.

Stress causes many physical and psychological problems that can be relieved through hypnotherapy. Hypnosis changes the way you think and moves you forward into a new perspective. Most people feel better immediately and stop their self-defeating thought processes.

When you discover how easy it is to resolve these issues with Hypnotherapy, you will be amazed. Some people say it feels like magic because it is so easy to make powerful changes. Hypnotherapy simply allows you to access the resources you already have in your subconscious mind. It moves your mind and body into a different state, where your emotions and hormonal balance will help you feel better. This will enable your subconscious mind to access new, more relaxed, more uplifting emotions. You will enjoy deep, peaceful relaxation, allowing the feelings of tension and stress to just drift away from you. You will be left feeling recharged and energised.

A hypnosis session for change won't just help you to "chill out"; it could be the single most important thing that forever determines your ability to feel Relaxed and calm, even under the most stressful of situations!

Learn to recognise the signs that stress is starting to build up and be prepared to act quickly on the problems causing this, because problems seem to grow in intensity if they are not dealt with. The relief will be instant and you'll be glad that you did. It's important to realise that you always have choices and learning how to properly manage stress will make you a happier person and really will improve your life. Believe in yourself and in the power of your mind.

Using Hypnosis to trigger your natural relaxation response is an effective method of dealing with stress from which you cannot get relief through any other methods. This will help you cope with ordinary and extraordinary levels of stress and enable you to live a happier healthier life.

Imagine how good it will feel to wake up the next day feeling in control, feeling strong, feeling free, and feeling optimistic and excited about the future…

Let your mind go free and your body will follow!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jawatan Kosong Ditawarkan.Kemasukan Segera!!

Jawatan yang ditawarkan:

*Full time @ part time*

Di Muar, Batu Pahat, Kluang, Johor Bahru, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh,
Penang, Alor Star, Kangar, Sungai Petani, Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu,
Kemaman, Kuantan dan Melaka.


* Gaji rm 3500++ hingga RM5000++
* Kenaikan gaji 12 kali setahun
* Gaji 2 kali sebulan
* Bonus bulanan
* Bonus tahunan
* Subsidi rumah & kereta
* Insentif melancong percuma ke luar
negara 4 kali setahun
*Penganugerahan Pencapaian Tahunan


* Min spm,diploma,degree
* 18 tahun ke atas
* Lelaki & perempuan
* Semua bangsa boleh memohon
* Ada/tiada pengalaman

•Latihan Disediakan
•Business Minded




Saturday, April 30, 2011

Variations Of Software Programs

Consumers are enthralled by the software installed in electronic devices because these programs allow them to be more productive and provide them with a source of entertainment that is suitable for every member of the family. Some electronic devices will not work at all without the software installed, and others work better because the software programs have been added since the device was bought.

People are more familiar with the software programs that run their personal computers, but other digital devices are equipped with software. The operating system software is the controlling force behind all computer operations, This software allows the user to perform independent tasks using word processing software programs, or includes software that will allow the user to complete complex mathematical calculations using formulas in spreadsheet formats.

The operation of this type of software is independent of any other type of custom software that has been installed on the computer. Many computer users must install software that allows them to view videos and graphics. These software programs are easy to download but will require update to be installed from time to time to keep the software program running smoothly.

The software updates are written with scripting software that simplifies updates by creating screens that are presented in an easy to understand language that requires the user to click a few buttons and step back while the software does the rest of the installation on its own. Other software is embedded into the installation program that will notify the computer user that the installation is complete. In most cases, the computer software will require that the user restart the system for the changes to go into effect.

Some customized software programs will be created for businesses to track inventory or provide a certain service to a client or the public at large. Some computer operating systems work on the Windows platform and other software program are open source and can be edited by users who know the coding used in the software programs. These programs can be modified by each user and uploaded to the site where it was obtained so that other users can benefit from the changes that were made.

People prefer to use open source software because it is available for download through internet websites. The open source software is considered freeware and is the product of computer users who have a talent for creating programs that enhance productive tasks found in other software or the software could be scripts that make mundane tasks tolerable and easier to complete. Some programming artists create freeware to establish a web presence and build a business from software popularity.

The software programs installed on electronic devices allow people to connect to the internet and the user will have all the tools and storage space required to download files from a computer at work. The PDA devices contain software that will also allow users to check email and store it for future reference. Some personal digital assistants are equipped with software that allows people to access maps and obtain directions to a desired destination.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is Stress and How to Manage Stress Effectively

For several decades now, researches all over the world have asserted that what goes on in the mind affects the body. Negative thoughts and a negative attitude lead to our feeling low: our heads fall, our shoulders sag, and our breathing becomes shallow. In fact it has been conclusively proved that negative mind trigger off a whole chain of physio-biological reactions, which are designed to make us feel this way.

On the other hand, positive thoughts and positive attitudes make us feel good: our heads are held up, we tend to look up, stand taller, breathe deeper and fuller.

So you see, the body is directly affected by our mental state. But, consider this: recent research reveals that the body also has the capability of affecting the mind. The way you carry yourself, the way you walk, the way you talk, and the way you project your physical self, affects your attitude and mind to a fairly large extent. If you always stand straight, with your chest held out and breathe deeply, chances are that you will be projecting a positive outlook. On the other hand, if your shoulders are dropped, and you have a crouched back, you are probably passing through a rather dull phase.

An interesting and potentially very powerful corollary of this is that we can control our emotions though our bodily actions and postures. Hence, if we want to feel good or positive all we have to do is change our body posture. Though it may vary only slightly from person to person, the overall constituents of a positive frame of mind are more or less the same: Head high, Shoulders pulled back, Deep Breathing, Chest Held Out, and of course the all important SMILE. As Anthony Robbins puts it, "Motion creates Emotion". The way we move changes, the way we think, feel and behave. The slightest movement of a facial muscle to a rigorous workout can affect our emotions.

Even the simple act of smiling can make an enormous difference to your state. Extensive research in this area proves that the act of smiling sets of a biological reaction that affects all parts of the body. It stimulates the heart and the lungs. It increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. The body's excretory organs functions more smoothly clearing the body of harmful toxins. Imagine such a simple act of having such a far-reaching consequences, In fact many doctors are of the opinion that fifteen minutes of lighter laughter on a daily basis, can increase your life span by about 5-10 years.

The point is that nothing happens by chance. We have all been created in a very scientific manner. Every gesture, every moment in the body has some purpose – some cause us to feel miserable, doubt our abilities, and curse our luck, while others make us feel good, optimistic and positive about life. We have got to choose the ones we desire.

Six Types Of Meditation

There are so many different types of
meditation. How many? Who knows, but enough so that you can find the one that's right for you. To get your search started, here are six types of meditation you can try.

1. Breath watching. Can meditating be as simple as paying attention to your breath for a few minutes? You bet. Relax in whatever position works best for you, close your eyes and start to pay attention to your breathing. Breathing through your nose gets your diaphragm involved and gets oxygen all the way to the bottom of your lungs. As your mind wanders, just re-focus your attention on the air going in and out of your nose. Just do this for several minutes, or longer as you get used to it.

2. An empty mind meditation. Meditating can create a kind of "awareness without object," an emptying of all thoughts from your mind. The techniques for doing this involve sitting still, often in a "full lotus" or cross-legged position, and letting the mind go silent on its own. It can be difficult, particularly since any effort seems to just cause more business in the mind.

3. Walking meditations. This one gets the body involved. It can be outside or simply as a back and forth pacing in a room. Pay attention to the movement of your legs and breathing and body as you walk, and to the feeling of your feet contacting the ground. When your mind wanders, just keep bringing it back to the process of walking and breathing. Meditating outside in this way can be difficult because of the distractions. If you do it outside, find a quiet place with level ground.

4. Mindfulness meditation. A practice Buddhists call vipassana or insight meditation, mindfulness is the art of becoming deeply aware of what is here right now. You focus on what's happening in and around you at this very moment, and become aware of all the thoughts and feelings that are taking your energy from moment to moment. You can start by watching your breath, and then move your attention to the thoughts going through your mind, the feelings in your body, and even the sounds and sights around you. The key is to watch without judging or analyzing.

5. Simple mantra meditation. Many people find it easier to keep their mind from wandering if they concentrate on something specific. A mantra can help. This is a word or phrase you repeat as you sit in meditation, and is chosen for you by an experienced master in some traditions. If you are working on this alone, you can use any word or phrase that works for you, and can choose to either repeat it aloud or in your head as you meditate.

6. Meditating on a concept. Some meditative practices involve contemplation of an idea or scenario. An example is the "meditation on impermanence," in which you focus on the impermanent nature of all things, starting with your thoughts and feelings as they come and go. In the Buddhist "meditation on the corpse," you think about a body in the ground, as it slowly rots away and is fed on by worms. The technique is used to guide you to an understanding that your rationalizing mind might not bring you to.

There are many other meditations you can try, such as the "meditation on loving-kindness" or "object" meditation, and even meditating using brain wave entrainment products. Each type has its own advantages and effects. For this reason, you may find that at different times and for different purposes you want to use several different types of meditation.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Windows Vista

As you may be aware, Microsoft is finally releasing the followup to Windows XP, called Windows Vista, in a few weeks time. As with previous upgrades for Windows, this will create some problems for people who want to upgrade their computers.

When a new version of Windows is released, there are usually some bugs and other issues that need to be ironed out. Microsoft has put Vista through extensive testing, but it is hard for them to test it for every possible situation because there are so many different computer setups and configurations.


If you're thinking about upgrading your computer to Vista when it's released, here are a few things you need to know.


One of the biggest issues with new versions of Windows is compatibility with existing equipment - both in your computer and peripherals like printers and scanners.

Microsoft has tried to keep Vista compatible with all the existing hardware and software out there, but it's just not possible to be 100% compatible and still add new features and capabilities to Windows.

Before you go out and buy Windows Vista, check to make sure all the equipment you use is compatible or the manufacturer offers an upgrade to make it so. Microsoft has a program that will test your system and give you a report on its compatibility, or you can check with the various manufacturers directly.

Scanner are something that are particularly tricky when upgrading Windows so if you use a scanner, double-check that there is Vista compatible software available for it.


If you've bought your computer in the last year or so, it should have plenty of power to run Vista. If it's older than a year, you may need to add some upgrades to bring it up to speed.

The following are the official requirements for Vista Premium Edition (the most complete version):

- 1GHz or higher processor
- 40GB or larger hard drive
- Sound card
- Internet connection
- DVD drive

Most of those requirements are not going to be an issue for a reasonable recent computer, but the RAM is one thing you may need to upgrade. Even today, many computers include 512MB or even 256MB which is not enough to run Vista effectively.

Upgrading vs Preinstalled

Upgrading to a new version of Windows is always more problematic than starting with it preinstalled. There are almost always little glitches that need to be sorted out afterwards.

If you're thinking of buying a new computer now and upgrading to Vista when it's released, I would recommend waiting until you can get one with it preinstalled if at all possible. You'll be happier in the long run, in spite of having to wait a little longer.

If you're upgrading an older computer, and you have all the necessary requirements, the most important (critical!) thing is to back up all your important information before starting the upgrade.

The upgrade is not supposed to affect anything that's on your computer - only Windows - but there is always a chance that something doesn't work the way it should. If you get halfway through the upgrade and something goes wrong, you may not be able to load either Vista or your old version of Windows.

This may mean you have to reload your computer from scratch, which could wipe out all your files and information. Make sure you have an up-to-date copy of it all before you start the upgrade.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Building Your Social Network To Improve Search Engine Rank

If you're thinking about better exposure online then you'd probably start putting more time and effort on social networking. Social network sites are the new user created content hubs that can offer large amount of traffic to any website that can properly pitch online user's interest. MySpace, Friendster, Orkut, and Facebook are just a few of the well know social network sites that can offer a great start-up niche for any marketing campaign. These websites rake in millions of users per day. Thousands more join social network sites daily, and you can expect the number of online users, flocking social network sites, to triple or quadruple in no time at all. With this premise, social networking sites can certainly prompt web marketers to utilize the technology to improve search engine placement for their websites.

Understanding the potential of social networking can help lead your business exposure to greater heights and can help improve search engine rank for your website.
For those who are starting up on the social network groove however, here are some tips to help you setup a formidable start-up campaign.


Tip # 1: Be one of them

Before you can start marketing your products or services on social network sites you will need to setup an
account. Multiple accounts are preferred, although they can be very time consuming to do. You always have an option of using pseudonyms to help protect your personal privacy. An email address will be required to create and confirm your account. If you're planning to setup different accounts, and the social network site you're planning to join in is limiting users to only one email per account, the best approach would be to create different accounts, but bearing identical business names. That way, you can open multiple identities on the social network and still leave online visitors a way of recognizing your product or service.

If you are successful at this step, you will be provided, by email, a system-generated URL towards your online identity profile. Some websites however require users to personalize their web address and profile content.

Tip # 2: Don't forget the Images

One of the first things that online users will notice or probably check out is the image section of your account. Visual flavors will certainly set the visitor's moods. Personal images won't just do if you have multiple accounts. You need to have a lot of stock photos to share, or probably borrow some pictures from friends or use corporate images to display on your site.

Tip # 3: Fill up your Profile

One of the best ways to get searched on social network sites is by filling up your user profile. Some user information might probably be filled up the moment you register your account. Still, there are some details which social network sites leave for the user to fill up later on. Make sure that your user profile contains personalized information. Social networks use this information to categorize users by location, age, gender, interests, etc.

Tip # 4: Don't Put up too many Ads.

Be careful about putting up too many marketing ads on your user profile since most users do not like visiting a spammy or advertising-packed website or social account. Make sure your user profile can reach out to your online visitor's interests. Do not make a user account just for the sake of building a marketing hive. Put some effort to make your account more personalized, and it will lead more users to visit it. And more traffic should mean users knowing more about you and your products or services.

Social networking is truly a marvelous technology that can provide web marketers some leverage and give them, not only traffic, but also better search engine rankings for their site.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Religious Practices

This article describes the services of the world's major religions which are (in no particular order):




The most common way in which Christians worship is by the taking of bread and wine. This is known as several names, Mass, Eucharist and Holy Communion. It usually takes place in a church. The purpose of the taking of bread and wine is to remember how Jesus ate the Last Supper with his disciples. The bread and wine is blessed before being taken by the congregation. The service is usually accompanied by the singing of hymns and readings from the Bible. A collection is held for the congregation to donate towards the upkeep of the church


Bhuddhists may be split into two distict group, Theravada Buddhists and Mahayana Buddhists. Theravada Buddhists originate from India, Sri Lanka, Myananar and Thailand. They traditionally worship in a temple where incense is burned and paper lanterns are lit. While worshipping they offer gifts to the Three Jewels, which are the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings) and the sanha (the monks). Flowers, incense sticks and small statues are traditionally offered as gifts and bells are rung during this gift-making.

The Mahayana Buddhists originate from China and Tibet and worship in pagoda styles buildings. These temples contain a set of prayer wheels, cylinders with prayers inscribe don them. Turning the wheels is believed to carry the prayers to all parts of the world. Many Mahayana Bhuddhists go to the temple to ask questions about the future. They do this by throwing two pieces of red wood onto the ground. Depending on how the pieces of wood land, the person takes a piece of paper or wood from a drawer and hands it to a priest who informs them of the answer.


The most important place of worship for a Hindu is his home where they will have a room or a corner of a room dedicated for worship. Traditionally they will place pictures or statues of their favourite gods or goddesses.

Carrying out the morning worship is the responsibility of the woman of the household. After praying she will offer flowers, incense, light and food to the gods. She will also dress a statue.This food is then eaten by the family. In the evening the light is lit and the whole family gathers to pray.

Hindus also worship in temples. These temples house statues that are dressed in different clothes for every day if the year. Food and flowers are offered an dincense burned while the priests chant. Food is given to the worshippers as they leave the temple. The service is made up of three parts, the kindling of the fire, the worship of the eight and the singing of the bhajans. The priest lights a sacred fire and sections of the Vedas are chanted. Then the arti tray is placed in front of the gods. A spot of red paste is then placed on the foreheads of the statues, on the pictures and on the worshippers whilst the arti tray is carried around the people. They hold their hands over the fire and then pass their hands over their foreheads and hair. Food is then given to the worshippers and hymns sung.


Muslims worship in a mosque. In Muslim countries these are usually square buildings with a dome on top. Water is provided outside the mosque for worshippers to wash before praying. The mosque will have one or more tall towers known as minarets from which the muezzin will call the people to pray. All Muslims must pray to God (Allah) five times a day, having washed. This is to ensure they are clean and pure for prayer. Having washed, the worshippers face in the direction of the Kabba in Mecca. This is a shrine in the city of Mecca that contains a holy Black Stone.

Muslims pray in a variety of positions, standing, kneeling and touching the ground with their foreheads, using a prayer mat to ensure that the place of prayer is clean and to keep the body clean while praying.

All Muslim men are expected to go to the mosque for midday prayers on Friday, where the Iman delivers his sermon. This is given in two parts, firstly he deals with matters of everyday life and secondly then discusses a passage from the Qur'an.


Sikhs worship in a temple called a gurdwara. In the centre of the gurdwara is a throne known as a takht which is covered with a canopy. The Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib is placed on this throne. On entering the gurdwara the worshippers remove their shoes. They then place money, food or a romalla (a cloth to cover the Guru Granth Sahib) in front of the takht. The men wear turbans and the women wear silk scarves while worshipping cross-legged. Men and women must sit apart. The leader of the worship, the Granthi reads from the Guru Granth Sahib. Hymns are sung and this is followed by a sermon, more singing, readings and prayers. The service is given in Punjabi.

At the end of the service everyone shares karah parshad, a mixture of semolina, ghee, sugar and flour to show that they are all equal. The service is completed by a meal provided by the guru, called the langar.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

13 Great Tips To Stamp Out Loneliness

What is LONELINESS? It is not about being on your own. Many people enjoy being on their own and would choose this for themselves for at lest part of the time. They enjoy having their own space. They do not feel the need to have other people around all of the time to validate them or make them feel more comfortable.


If someone experiences feelings of LONELINESS; it is usually not influenced solely by where they are or whether other people are around. It is possible to be in a room full of people and still feel very much ALONE. You can be part of a social gathering and feel LONELY as you are on the periphery and not fully involved with what is going on.

This suggests that LONELINESS is a state of mind. It is tied up with how you feel about yourself.When we have a low self esteem, we have a choice about whether to change this or not. The prospect of change can be daunting.The challenge of embracing this is however very worthwhile, with rewards not only in terms of how you feel bout yourself but also in the quality of your life.


The first task in changing our self esteem is to alter the way in which we view ourselves.

1.Instead of bombarding ourselves with an onslaught of negative comments, try to focus on the more positive aspects about yourself.This could include, PHYSICAL, PRACTICAL, PERSONAL, EMOTIONAL, ATTRIBUTES or things you are good at, PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS..

2.Try asking members of your family, colleagues, friends, how they would describe you. This may reveal a number of POSITIVE statements about you which are surprising and / or uplifting. (Note of caution, choose wisely!)

3.Write down POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS about yourself (Please see article re POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS.)

4.Pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings. When you are aware of these being critical, try challenging them or using THOUGHT STOPPING TECHNIQUES. (Please see article re THOUGHT STOPPING TECHNIQUES.)

5.Practise seeing yourself in particular situations when you feel CONFIDENT and good about who you are and the circumstances you are in. you are feeling comfortable. Feedback from others is POSITIVE. People are paying attention to you. You are maintaining good eye contact .Feed as much information into this exercise as possible. Pay attention to your body language and how you converse. Make sure you CHOOSE clothes to make the most of your physical attributes and feel CONFIDENT in them. Do you feel better wearing make up and perfume? (A question for the girls!) Remember how it feels to have a stronger sense of SELF WORTH, to get POSITIVE FEEDBACK from others and from your own reaction.

6.You can proceed to use the lessons learnt from this exercise to go into the situation for real. You can enter it from a more CONFIDENT and less threatened stance.

7.Try not to leave a situation because of feelings of discomfort or anxiety.This will only increase your fear of a situation at a higher level and give yourself negative feedback.This can be difficult to do. It may be helpful to remember that if you suffer from any symptoms of anxiety these are only an exaggerated form of how we all feel from time to time.They cause discomfort but are not life threatening. Placed in a difficult situation, your symptoms any increase but it will reach a peak and come down again. Try not to be afraid of this feeling and run away from the situation. If you need to, use BREATHING exercises to take control of the situation. (Please see article re BREATHING RETRAINING TECHNIQUES.)If you manage your situation effectively in this way, you will get POSITIVE feedback from the experience resulting in you being less fearful in the future.

Alternatively, PLAN ahead. Think of what would make you feel more comfortable by REHEARSING the situation in your head.This may alert you to any possible difficulties. It is then your task to generate ways of overcoming these difficulties. It can be useful to decide beforehand that you are only going to stay somewhere for an hour. Giving yourself a time limit may make it easier for you to relax and stay in a situation .Even if you are enjoying yourself, it still makes sense to leave at the time you promised yourself and when things are going well. This will ensure you achieve POSITIVE feedback.

8.Remember how you felt when you last heard a friend say something POSITIVE about you or when they did something which made you feel appreciated and liked. Spend less time concentrating on negative thoughts about you. Instead be more focussed on others. Do or say things to others which will make them feel good. You will in turn get POSITIVE feedback from this boosting your SELF ESTEEM. Try bringing in your neighbours wheelie bin, buying someone flowers, pay someone a compliment, invite someone to lunch, simply say thank you more often!

9.Put more FUN into your life. Share a joke . Try recalling something which has made you LAUGH heartily.Watch a good comedy. Get out some old photographs. It is even better if you can share the experience with a friend. Share the LAUGHTER!

10.Get involved in some type of activity which will raise your CONFIDENCE. People often resist the suggestion to attend a confidence building class. There is a place for them but it is perhaps not the best or the healthiest option, to put people together with others who have the same difficulty.

Instead, try one of the following:
Join a drama, music, art, singing or art class, take up a contact sport, challenge yourself by commencing, rock climbing, canoeing, diving, etc. You will benefit from having set yourself a GOAL or CHALLENGE and by the opportunity to express yourself in a different way. You will definitely have something new and interesting to talk about.

If you have a family, you may choose an ACTIVITY which you can do together such as cycling.Dance has the added benefit of being good FUN and brings you into contact with other people. SKIPPING can help increase bone density so is great for all of us over 40.Beware you are more likely to do this on your own. You could however go for a really nice walk somewhere and have your ropes in your pocket.

If you find it difficult to fit EXERCISE into your day:

Try WALKING instead of using transport . If you must drive, park a little way from your place of work. If you take a bus, get off a few stops from where you need to. Use stairs not the lift. If you have a sedentary job, make a point of getting out of your chair regularly and take a WALK in the building.Have a brisk twenty minute WALK at lunch time. Try to get others ROPED in too!

This will offer opportunity to make a new group of friends.You will have a new shared interest and a sense of camaraderie. You may need to trust and be trusted by others.You will have the opportunity to give and receive POSITIVE feedback and have FUN!!!

11.Exercise is useful in enhancing SELF ESTEEM and will also benefit you by lowering your state of arousal. This means that more stress will be required for you to be affected by it. Increased muscle tone can help you feel more confident with how you look. Pick an exercise to meet your specific needs.

12.Stop comparing yourself with others. You will only come out of this disfavourably.

13.Stop judging others. More importantly-Stop judging yourself!